Chapter Twelve

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I yawned and stretched out, looking down at Jacob. His arms were wrapped around me. I didn't want to move or let him leave. But I didn't want Miss Lopez catching us. Nobody knows about me and Jacob just yet. I shook him gently, getting him up.

"Jacob, babe wake up. You gotta get home."

I watched as he threw on his T-shirt and started putting on his shoes, he looked over at me and then moved over closer to me. Our faces were inches away, right then and there I could kiss him but I was to shy to ever do it. I just smiled and looked down. His finger tips lifted up my chin, and he was looking into my browns eyes and I was staring right back into his. I felt a pair of lips on mines, I didn't want to open my eye's. I wanted this moment forever. My thought's were interrupted by the knocking on the front door. I rushed him to the back of the house and let him out of the back door. I watched as he ran home and slipped inside. I went towards the front door, the knocking continued. I opened the door to Miss Lopez looking back at me with a sweet smile on her face.

"Honey, what took you so long?" She asked me, stepping inside.

"I just woke up, sorry for the wait Miss Lopez." I said, closing the door.

"It's okay sweetie, are you hungry?"

"Just a little."

"How about waffles and bacon with some orange juice? How does that sounds."

"It sounds good to me." My stomach was growling.

She placed her suitcase down and headed towards the kitchen.

"I'll call you down in 14 minutes."


I hurried up the stairs and opened to my room. I went over my closet, looking for something to wear for today. I picked out a tank top with a plain open sweater and pair of my skinny jeans that were burgundy. I grabbed my clothes and took a quick shower. I turned on Pandora to make the mood soothing. I got dressed and soon heard Miss Lopez calling me. I slipped on my timbaland boot's and started heading downstairs.

The smell of the breakfast made a trail to the kitchen. I took a seat in front of my breakfast and started eating my bacon. Miss Lopez sat across from me and started reading the something on her phone.  There was knocking on the door, I looked up from my breakfast.

"I'll get it!" I said, getting up from the seat.

I walked out the kitchen and headed to the front door, I stood on my toes looking through the peep hole. Fear instantly came into me. I saw the man, thather. I didn't want to open the door. I stepped back, thinking of something. He knocked once again. I heard the door open, and footsteps come in. I rushed up to my room, slamming my bedroom door shut. Hoping Miss Lopez doesn't call me, but I know she would.

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