Chapter One

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I hugged my mom one last time before I boarded the greyhound bus. I could see the tears in her eyes and I knew she was going to miss me as much as I was gonna miss her. I got on and looked for a seat, I sat two rows in the back, as more people loaded on. I pulled out my music player and earphones that were jammed in my pocket and laid back into the soft navy blue seat. I felt my phone vibrate multiple times in my bag, knowing there were messages from my ex-boyfriend Amari. He knew I was leaving because of my bestfriend Jane. He cheated on me a week ago and now wants my mercy, I didn't brother because he's hurted me many times before and I'm moving on now. I looked out the window of New York, and saw my mom leaving as the bus began moving. I knew this was gonna be along ride to Atlanta from here. I was passing many places to Atlanta and many hours, I drifted off my to sleep. 

I was awaken by the guy that was seating next to me, he was tall, had a light skintone and had a freshcut. He had a white tee, sweat pants with red vans on. I wipped my eye's as I looked out the window.

"You up beautiful?" He asked me, smiling. 

"Yeah, thanks for waking. Is this Atlanta, Geogria?" I asked him 

"Yup." He said getting his things from under the seat. I grabbed my bag from the under seat too and walked the aisle to get off. It was raining outside, and I hand no umbrella. I whistled for a cab, that came near and asked the man to open the trunk. The trunk opened, and I stuffed my two bags inside and got in.

"Sir, can you take me to peachtree place?" 

"Sure, sweetheart." He replied.

We pulled up to a gate, that had a letter J on it in gold. I paid the cab driver $20 and got up. He opened the trunk for me and I grabbed my two suitcases. I watched as the cab drove from infront of me and I walked up to the black metal gate. I hit the buzzered and waited for someone to answer. "Hello?" They answered

"Hi, I'm Remi." I replied. 

"Ooh, come in!" The stanger said 

The gate slowly opened and I began walking in. The place was a beautiful sight. There was a mansion standing in front of that looked like it had 17 bedrooms and 10 bathrooms. There was a medium sized bird bath in front of the house. I reached the entrance and knocked on the door of mansion. The door opened to a small lady that had a maid suit on with a smile on her face.

"Hi! You must be Remi." Greeting me, "Let me take your bags for you."

I stepped inside and gazed at the sight of the place. Damn! Aunt Angela does it BIG. She must be rich. I wonder why she doesn't talk her as much as they use to.

"Come this way sweetie!" She said guiding me somewhere.

We walked up two rows of stairs before getting there and it was a workout. "This will be your room as long as your here." The maid told me. She placed my bags onto my new bed and turned around looking back at me. "If you need anything just call me and your aunt will be home in 15 minutes to see you." Quickly she left the room and I sat down thinking what was I gonna do while I was here.


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