Chapter Eleven - Part 2

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There was a knock on my door. I rubbed my eye's, getting up from the sound of my phone going off. I realized it was just a dream. My uncle opened my door. He was tall about 6'1, he had a brown complexion, with a haircut that suited him well and brown eye's and he appeared muscular. Through his black T-shirt.

"Good morning hun! Sorry to wake you. Me and your aunt will be gone for a while. We won't be back until 3 days from now. Miss Lopez will be watching you. Be good Remi." He said giving me a hug in my bed. My aunt right behind him, she had a gentle smile on her face.

Squeezing me in a tight hug and placing a kiss on my fore head, "I'm going to miss you."

"I'm going to miss you too." My uncle said, chiming in.

"We love you." My aunt said, hugging me one last time before leaving.

From my window, I  watched as they drove out of the drive way and down the street. It was only 5:37 in the morning, so I walked to the bathroom and took a quick shower before heading back to sleep.

* * * * * * * *

I tossed in turned in my bed. I heard pebbles hitting my window. The light blue sky had faded to night time. I got up, pushing the cover's off me. I opened my bedroom balcony window and looked out.

"Psst! Remi! It's Jacob!"

"Jacob, hey."

"Can I come in?"

"Yeah. I'll be down in a sec."

As walked downstairs, Miss Lopez left a note on the kitchen table. I grabbed it and started to read it: Hey Remi! I went home to get some clothes for the 3 day stay, I'll be back tomorrow evening. Be safe!

A small smile appeared on my face. I went to go open the door for Jacob, who was still outside. I opened the door, to him smiling at me. He wrapped his arms around my body, making me feel in his arms.

"Hey, I missed you and I'm sorry."

"Jacob it's okay."

"Your still in the mood to go out tonight?"

"Let's just stay home and watch movie's."


We started moving towards the living room. He sat on the couch. I passed Jacob the stack of movies, and went into the kitchen and made some popcorn. I walked back into the living room with the living room two soda's. He picked out 'Haunted House 2'.  I sat next to him, passing him the popcorn.  As the previews went on, Jacob moved closer to me. I could feel his body heat. In between the movie, we laughed and talked here and there. When the movie came to an end, Jacob was softly sleeping on my shoulder. I smiled at him cause he looked so peaceful. I was tired myself. I turned off the tv with the remote and sat the popcorn on the table without waking up Jacob. I laid my head on him, pulling the cover's over us.

Author's note: 'Happy New Year Jacob Jewel's! I'm thankful for you guy's viewing my story and enjoying it. Next chapter coming soon!' -Remi

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