Chapter Sixteen

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I quickly zipped up my 2 duffel bags and rushed down stairs. Miss Lopez opened the door for me. I waved goodbye to her and walked over to the car. Miss Tish was in the front seat and Jay was in the back.  The bodyguard got out from the driver seat and took my bags and placed them in the trunk.   I got inside, closing the door behind me. The ride was long to first city, Jay was going to perform to and this was going to be my first time seeing him perform. Once, we stopped. We pulled up to a luxury looking hotel. Jay opened my door letting me out. I smiled at him as I got out. We'll held hand as we reached the entrance and waited for Miss Tish get rooms for us for the night.

We got to the room, I looked at the clock, checking the time. It was 2:35 and Jacob had to get ready for the show. Room service dropped off our bags and I waited in the living room. Jacob stepped out the bathroom dressed in ripped jeans that were grey, white t-shirt that was sleeveless and a black vest along with  studded shoulders. He was so cute, I could see why all his girl's loved him. There was a knock on the door and I went to open it.

"Hey Remi! Is Jacob ready?" Miss Tish asked. 

"Yes ma'am." I said with a smile.

"Okay." I opened the door wide, so Mama Tish could come in. 

"Jay! You ready?" Miss Tish called

"Yeah momma!" Jacob called from the bathroom.

"So, Remi you ready for the meet and greet?" She asked

"Yeah, I'm excited for tonight."

"That's good."

Once Jacob came out the bathroom. His bodyguard Jeffery, came to walk us to the car and show. They were finishing up setting up the stage and lighting. I watched as Jacob rehearsed with the boys. He was looking great. He made me wanna be his number one fan. Rehearsals were over and Jacob was preparing for the meet and greet.  Tons of girls waited outside and screamed as Jacob, Mama Tish and I walked by. I smiled looking at them and they smiled back. Inside, Jacob was talking to the Jacob jewels and signing there poster. Time passed and Jacob had finished the meet and greet.  And was about to hit the stage.

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