Chapter Eight

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Jacob pulled in my aunt's driveway. It look like no one was here. It 1:30 in the afternoon by now and I was bored. I looked over at Jacob who was singing along to "Loyal". He looked over at me and caught me staring. 

"So what you doing for the rest of the day?"


"There's a party I'm going to later on. You wanna come? Some of my friends there you can meet them."

"Sure. I just have to ask my aunt." I smiled at Jacob who was smiling at me.

"Okay. just give me a call....I'll be waiting for you."

Awww, he so sweet. "Okay." I got out of the car and headed inside the house. I watched as Jacob left and went into the kitchen. There was a note left on the refrigerator door. I started to read: Hey Sweetie, If I'm still out around 2 I'm shopping for the house. Your father will be coming at 4:30pm. If you need anything just give me a call.

Aunt Angela

I sighed. I can't believe she's going to let me see him without her here. What if he's still the same. I pulled out my phone and thought about what Jacob said the other day. You can talk to me. Started to echo in my head. I starred at my phone for while deciding should I call him or nah? I stopped thinking and hit the dial button on my keypad. It wrong twice and he picked up.

"Hey remi" he sound happy

"Hey Jacob, can you come over please? I really have to talk to you."

"Okay, I'll be over in 5 minutes."

"Okay." I exhaled as we hung up.

I heard a light knock on the door. I looked at my phone to see the the. It was 4:15. I took a peep out the peep hole and saw Jacob. I smiled to know he would come over just for me. I opened the door and told him to come in. He walked inside and looked up at me.

"Hey.. what did you want to talk about?" He asked me.

"Can we go to my room and talk?" I said


We went up my room. I opened the door to my bedroom and sat on the edge of the bed. He grabbed on of the chairs from table and sat in front of me. He cleared his throat waiting for me.

"Oh sorry. Jacob remember the other day when you said I can talk to you. Well there's something's that's been brothering. Okay. I'm a start from the beginning. Three years ago, my father would beat on my mother brutaly sometimes.. I would hear them argue over stupid things. Sometimes when my mom was working late. He would come home drunk and beat on me. One day I heard my mother calling me and I went to her room and saw her on the floor. She was bleeding from her month. I looked over to see my father coming from the bathroom. I ran out the room and I grabbed the phone from the hook and dialed 911. Every since we've been keeping low from him. That's why I'm here." A tear shed from eye's I looked down trying to hide it from Jacob.

I felt his hand wipe away my tear. He lefted my chin and slowly pulled me. I felt as our lips crashed onto one another. I opened my eyes and exhaled. It felt like a relief.

"I'm sorry Remi. You had to go through that. There's something I want to tell you."

He paused as we heard a knock on the door from downstairs.  I got up from the bed and walked over to my window. His car was parked on the curb. I froozed and everything went black.

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