Self absorbed precious ass

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The group was now free for a week to do what they wanted in the Netherlands, with the exception of a recorded performance for the bbc and interviews from various British outlets.

Most of the first two days Evie spent sleeping in her room and planning outfits for the turquoise carpet and the various other appearances.

Upon rehearsal for their radio 1 performance, both Mia and Margot had got lost in central Amsterdam and so Evie and Nat found themselves sat in the studio glued to their phones in a blind panic. Evie ultimately decided she could play the bass and sing well enough to survive without Mia for an hour or two while Natalia called on the only person she knew as playing the guitar and the drums at once seemed impossible even for her.

Ethan Torchio the drummer for Måneskin had somehow been roped into their rehearsal very soon after and Evie seemed less than happy about the fact her band mates were still nowhere to be found.

The radio 1 performance they had prepared was to be broadcasted two days before the final yet they were to record the three songs days earlier. Evie decided to play Brutal, I dare you and a slightly more rock influenced cover of diet Mountain Dew by Lana del Rey.

The new makeshift band had ran through each song once briefly and were now practicing again, with still not sight of Mia or Margot.

"Come on and jump well I dare you, come on and jump well I dare you. Come on and jump well I dare you! The stains on your sweater, you think you'd know better but your a child and it's kinda wild how your the on that brings the sun." Evie sung happily into the mic, with her eyes closed as she focused desperately on playing the bass and remembering the lyrics.

As the song came to an end Evie cursed under her breath, thinking of all the little slip ups she made while running through the song. Utterly annoyed by the missing presence of the drummer and bassist, something felt off. Despite the frustration of the lead singer, a small round of applause echoed through the smallish rehearsal studio. Evie parting her firmly closed eyes to make out six figures in varying statures.

"Well done, can we have our drummer back now?" The taller dark haired boy added, moving closer to her as she gripped the bass tightly to her body.

"Umm sure." Evie muttered, moving her gaze from the now looming figure to her two band mates who had all of a sudden appeared with sorry looks on their faces.

"You can thank me for finding them later if you want." Damiano scoffed sarcastically, making Evie's face crease with annoyance.

"There's no need, I survived without them and I'm sure they would've made there way back at some point."

"Mhm. Didn't seem like it, not to mention our drummer stepping in to save the day." He continued as they moved closer, both equally as passionate about out arguing the other.

"Actually I think Ethan has his own free will and decided to help out a friend out of the kindness of his own heart, nothing to do with your self absorbed precious little ass." Evie almost spat out, not caring to hide the redness rising in her cheeks.

"Oh and you can talk about being self absorbed and precious. If it wasn't for you throwing a little hissy fit Ethan wouldn't have had to step in and I wouldn't have had to take time out of my day to find them." Damiano gestured behind himself before grinning in the pleasure that he had got her so flustered.

"Get a room, Jesus." Natalia remarked, walking past their now awkward silent yet confrontational staring battle.

"Well, I'm going to go talk to my band." Evie snarked, smiling just as smugly as him.

"My god, the sexual tension. Just sleep with eachother already and everything will be better for all of us." Natalia commented as Evie reached the group.

"Ugh, I don't want to fuck him. I want to fucking slap him across his stupid smug face."

"Yeah right." Margot laughed.

"You can shut up, just because you're secretly fucking an Italian doesn't mean you have a say in wether I do too." Evie was still red in the face and utterly flustered by the whole situation, leaving her angry at everyone and everything.

"No way, who?" Mia asked, confused.

"Ethan you idiot." Natalia replied laughing before receiving a sharp punch in the arm by Margot.

"Girls, girls! We have less than a week until the final and look at you. Get your act together, your a band, best friends, sisters. Don't let what I'm assuming is four Italians come between you." Summer butted in, after watching the four argue.

"Can I file a restraining order on someone in one day?" Evie asked, more as a spiteful comment rather than an actual question.

"No Evie you can't file a restraining order on someone your going to marry, stupid." Natalia once again remarked in a overly sarcastic tone in order to annoy her friend more.

"You know what Nat, I always thought I liked you more when you weren't with Chris but actually it's so nice to have you obsessed with someone other than me."

"Evie! Cut it out." Summer scolded, pulling Evie away from the others, like a misbehaved child being moved to the naughty step.

"What? I'm fed up of them thinking jokes about me wanting to fuck Damiano are funny." Evie replied.

"The lady doth protest too much, methinks"

"Shut up Shakespeare." The lead singer marched forward, frustrated by everyone.

"Ahh she's in love." Natalia swooned looking in the direction of her angry friend storming along the hallway.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2022 ⏰

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