● Bullies ●

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(Alberto Pov)

Looking around for Luca, unable to find him as I walk back to the girls, Giulia's home, I can hear both people giggling over ontop of the tree house

"Came back huh?" I mumured to myself, climbing up the tree as I see them both Luca and Giulia with books in their hands and talking and laughing together

"Hey Luca! I've been looking everywhere for you." I tell him, as I glance over to Giulia, a little pissed off that she took Luca somewhere, wherever

"Oh sorry"

"Just come on. Let's go" I tell him walking out the window and waiting before Luca talks to Giulia. Again.

"Could I maybe borrow this? Just for tonight?" Luca asks her before hearing Giulia say something back

"You can have it...ha-ha! The universe is literally yours!" Giulia tells him until I groaned in annoyance at waiting

"Wow. Thank you--"

"Luca!" I speak sternly to him as Luca turns around to me

"O-okay" Luca follows behind me

After getting out of the house, we walk under the pole lights as Luca walks beside me

"Where are we going?" Luca asks me as he looks around

"Come on. I got something to show you." I tell him as I look over the shops, not seeing the one in looking for

"Hey, you won't believe this. Those, aren't fish!" Luca points over to the sky excitingly


"Yeah! Giulia explained it to me. They're fires! But, Like, one millions times bigger!" Luca finished as I roll my eyes at his ridiculous flabber

"Uh, no, they're not." I tell him, turning the corner as I finally find the shop I was searching

We both lean against the door, our faces touching the glass as we see through. The vespa!

"*sighs* soon you'll be ours, sweet vespa..take a look!" I tell Luca, taking out my drawing I drew for us back at the island were we first met. Adding more stuff into it.

"I thought of every single thing were gonna need. Also! I added flames." I tell him, as I look at my masterpiece plan

"That's so cool! Oh! We can bring a telescope too!" Luca added a drawing, giving me more excitement

"Yeah! That shoots lighting!" I tell Luca before he turns me down

"No, no, no. You look through it..." Luca tells me handing me over the drawing back to me, looking down at the drawing, again upset for Luca talking again about this, nonsense.

"Giulia says there's an even bigger one at her school. Wait, what if we visit her there?" Luca asks me, I turn over to him in question and not liking where this is going.

"Why would you wanna do that?"

"It kinda sounds interesting.."

"The whole reason were getting a vespa is to live our own. W-We don't need school. We don't need anybody. Well--i mean, expect Annabella--b-but just us!" I tell Luca as he looks over to me questionable

"I mean, Annabella has to go back to school with Giulia and since were going to win the vespa...couldn't we try it? Just for a few days? I mean, Giulia and Annabella are going to be there. It could be fun!" Luca tells me, I look away a little upset for what Luca is suggesting

"Luca. Sea monsters can't go to school.  What do you think is gonna happen when they see your fish face? Annabella might not want to be friends. Do you want that?" I ask him as Luca holds the book up to his chest and looking down at his feet

Alberto Scorfano X Annabella (oc) 《Childhood Crush》Where stories live. Discover now