Chapter 01: Pick Up a Wife.

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A/N: I know I promised myself not to write another Ghost Hunt fanfiction before I finished one of the published ones but I can't help it! Some new ideas keep on popping in my mind! I'm sorry! I just need it to be posted for me not to forget and then I'll just continue it later, okay? I will not delay the other fanfictions because of this one. But that aside, I hope you enjoy and comment what you think about it! Also tell me your suggestions if you have one.

DISCLAIMER: I don't own Ghost Hunt.

[Not Edited]


Oliver walked through the bright hallways of the hospital. A thick smell of disinfectant entered his nose as he passed the rooms one by one. Oliver didn't even know why he agreed to this arrangement. He stopped in front of a certain door and read the name printed on it. He took a piece of paper to confirm the name and sighed before thrusting the note back to his pockets. He opened the black notebook in his right hand and took out a photo from it. It's his first time seeing that photo that Madoka slips in.

A picture of a petite woman entered his eyes. Her hair reached her waist as her brown eyes shone with it. Her skin is fair and delicate. Her pink floral dress compliments her skin and figure. She looks weak and fragile like she would be blown away by the wind at any moment. It's his first time seeing this woman but their fate are already connected by the license he held in his hands.

This woman is his newly wedded 'wife'- at least by the law. They had just signed their marriage certificate separately a month ago. Oliver opened the door of the hospital room and entered. A woman sat beside the window, holding a picture of a woman in her lap. Her whole frame was donned with mourning clothes and her sad countenance could make any person want to comfort her. Her face is not as astounding as his and Gene's face but she could be called a beauty. Even with just sitting there, she could attract numerous of attention.

The woman didn't turn her head from the noise of opening and closing doors. She just looked outside the window like she didn't hear someone entering. Different from the photo he just seen, her hair's tied with a low ponytail at this moment. Oliver could see her fair looking neck and had a full sight of her palm sized face. Oliver cleared his throat to attract his attention but the woman didn't move.

"The lady is autistic so you have to be extra careful and patient with her, okay?. And don't scare her."

Oliver suddenly remembered his Mother's warning and sighed for the nth time. Yes, this woman has Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). But his mother informed him that she's much better than any other people who had ASD. She can communicate with people who she considered worth talking to. She was raised and cared for by the psychiatrist who just passed away five days ago. Oliver had not seen his 'wife' in the funeral because of her condition.

His mother, Luella, said that this woman was stimulated by her adoptive mother's death and was forced to be sent to the hospital for monitoring. She was just discharged a few hours ago after calming her down for days. As for this marriage. It's arranged by his parents and the doctor who passed away. Oliver have a brother but he was already married to someone so they pushed him to sign the certificate instead.

Luella is friends with the doctor since childhood and agreed to marry his son to her best friend's ward. She also knew this woman is autistic and was a bit reluctant but after a visit, she was completely enamored by her friend's adopted daughter and agreed to the marriage proposal. Besides, Luella was more worried that if she didn't push her 26-year-old son to marry now then he wouldn't marry in this entire lifetime.

And he was here to pick her up and welcome her to his home as his new 'wife'. He was a bit reluctant to come since this is just an arranged marriage. But he forced by his mentor to submit a permission for leave and was kicked out of the office as soon as the permission was granted. He had just married so he needs a leave, as his mentor said.

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