Chapter 02: SOS! How to Comfort a Woman?!

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A/N: I have finally opened my Wattpad account! Yay! My Wattpad messed it all up and I cannot open it for a while now. I tried deleting the app and installing a new one but I cannot open my account! It took me a long time before I got it right.

DISCLAIMER: I don't own Ghost Hunt.

[Not Edited]



Oliver heard a shaky scream before he felt something pushing him out of the comfort of his bed. His hips and head quickly collided the cold hard ground after he was kicked. Oliver didn't have time to process what happened and just groaned in pain and anger of disrupted sleep. His eyes met the white tiled floor and made a mental note to buy a soft carpet in case this situation happen again. The man let out a frustrated breath and raised his hand to brush his raven head back.

Raising his head up, a trembling frame of a woman entered his eyes. Her hands are securing the blanket around her like it was her lifeline. Fear is written all over her face as she scan his face. Something inside Oliver blames himself for not thinking of this. He should've slept in the living room instead of sleeping with her on the same bed and scaring her to death.

Oliver knew better than to go near her and scare her more so he slowly stood up and went to the window. He thought it is already morning so he brushed the curtain aside but he was a bit stunned to see stars instead. He frowned in confusion and turned his head towards the clock on his bedside table.


Oliver's lips twitched and immediately brushed the curtains back. He turned to the woman and he noticed that she is shaking less than before. But she is still covering herself with the blanket and pressing her hands tightly on her ears. Oliver knew nothing but to sigh at this frustrating situation. He doesn't know how to interact with women less comfort them. He pursed his lips and decided to pat her back to comfort her but just as he was raising his hand, the petite figure suddenly moved back, trembling even more than before. Oliver also jumped back at her reaction. He didn't know she would be this scared. If he had known...

Oliver thought of an idea and treaded to the door with his cellphone in hand. He gently closed the door before opening his phone to dial a number. He called the first person he knew that would help him calm the terrified person in his room. He doesn't care if it is three in the morning, he needs answers.

"D*mn. Who the hell is calling early in the morning?! Hello?!" An irritated voice of a man spoke on the other line before Oliver even open his mouth to speak. Oliver cleared his throat and spoke.

"Gene, I need some help."

"Noll?! Don't you know it's three in the morning? - Who's that?" Oliver heard his brother answer and a groggy voice of a woman in the background. It must be his sister-in-law, Gene's wife.

"Yes. I am perfectly aware of the time but I need your assistance."

"It's Noll." Oliver heard Gene answering the woman before turning to him. "If it is about the new case we are currently investigating, I'll answer it tomorrow. I really need some sleep, you know?"

"No. No, it is not about that. It's....uhm.." Oliver hesitated as he turned his head to look at his bedroom door. He hates asking for favors and he knew his brother would bug him about this but the scared sight of that trembling woman really bug him so he begrudgingly continued what he is saying.

"Tell me how to comfort a scared and crying woman."


"...." Who knows what happened on the other line but Oliver didn't get the answer after waiting for a few seconds. "Gene?"

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