10 - Im Sorry

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After about 2 hours of looking for Luke we all came back to the house.
"I didn't see him" Michael wipes the sweat off his head. He must have been running.

"Me and Calum didn't see him down town" Tori plops down of the couch.

"Me and Ashton didn't see him either" Sierra looks at me.
"I helped to" she crosses her arm.
I chuckle then realize what's still happening and my face is serious again.

"Guys what are we gonna do" I look around the room and everyone has a blank expression on their face.

"Well if we don't find him soon management is gonna flip" Calum says while fixing his hair for the hundredth time.
I seem to notice all the boys do that when their nervous.

"Let's try calling him again" Michael slides his phone out of his pocket and duals Luke's number.

He puts it on speaker so everyone can hear it ring.


Finally someone pick up on the other line.

"OMG LUKE" I scream into the phone.

"Hello Mia"
The voice is deeper and more creepy for it to be Luke's.
"I've been waiting to talk to you"

No no no.

I start to feel light headed so I sit down in the chair.
"Mikey can you at me a glass of water please"

"Ya sure. Are you okay?" He has a worried look on his face.

"Ya I'm fine. Thanks"
I totally forget about the phone call.
Damn it
I just remembered.

Ashton holds the phone phone to his ear and doesn't say anything.
I don't know if anyone is talking on the other side because it's not on speaker and I can't hear anything anymore.

Suddenly Ashton's eyes go wide
"Mia?" He calls my name. His voice is shaking. he covers the end of the phone before he talks. "It's Dylan"

Tears fill my eyes because I knew it was him. I just didn't want to believe it.
I start to cry and Sierra looks at me. She doesn't need to know what's going on.
I get my self together.
"Tori can you go hang out with Sierra for a bit in her room"

Tori just nods not wanting to say anything and takes Sierra upstairs.

Michael comes back and hands me a glass of water.
"Hey" he turns my head so I'm looking at him. "Are you okay?"

I give a slight nod but I don't think he believes me.

"Mia what should I say" Ashton stays there with his ear to the phone.

"Give it here" I hold my hand out and he places the phone in my hand.

"What do you want Dylan" I say into the phone and someone chuckles on the other side.

"You know I have your friend Mia unless you want him back..."

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM" I scream in the phone because I can't stand the idea of anyone being hurt.

"Oh nothing yet"

"What do you mean nothing yet"

"I mean I'm not going to do anything to him" he laughs "this is just the beginning"
Before I get a chance to say anything he hangs up.

I sit on the couch and cry.

Ashton comes over and puts his arm around my shoulder.
I lean into his shoulder and cry.
He wraps his arm around me and I suddenly feel safe in his arms.
I feel like nothing can ever hurt me.
But that's not true.
Anyone or anything is this world can hurt you.
He leans back "what happened"

I wipe my tear stained cheeks and try and talk.
"He said he wasn't planning on doing anything to Luke. It was all just a scare"

"He must of had some reason though"
Michael is looking down at his feet and looks really worried.

"He must be planning something else because he said this is just the beginning"
I look back at Ashton and I can see the glimmer of tears in his eyes.
I know he's trying not to cry but I can tell he wants to.


After about and hour of sitting on the couch and not saying anything the front door opens.

In comes a terrifies looking Luke.

I am the first one to stand up.
I sprint over to Luke and wrap my arms around him.
"Oh my god Luke are you okay?"

He wraps his arms around my waist and puts his head on my shoulder.
He's really tall so his weight is mostly on my shoulder because he has to lean down to me.

"Luke hey dude" Michael comes over to him and embraces his in a big bear hug.

Calum stands next to Michael staring at the wall not saying anything.

Tori is coming down the stairs with Sierra in her arms.

"Luke" she runs to him and hugs him forgetting Sierra's in the middle of them.

"Mia can I talk to you"
I nod my head and he grabs my wrist.


"I don't know much about you but I feel like I know more now"
Luke's hand in intertwined with mine and I can feel home shaking.

"What do you mean"
I know what he means. Dylan is the type of guy who tells anyone anything if you ask.
Luke is the type of person who's asks questions.
If Luke asked. Dylan answered.

"Dylan" his breath is shaking "I know what he d-did to you. I didn't even have to a-ask. He told me he hit you. And Sierra. I'm sorry"

"Why are you sorry Luke. You didn't do anything"

His baby blue eyes connect with mine.
"I'm sorry I couldn't save you from him"

I pull him closer to me and he starts to cry.
I wish he didn't have to go through this.

Luke's POV

"I'm sorry" I spit out.
I can't stop replaying the memories of what Dylan told me.

He said Mia just didn't understand his love for her.
The building he took me too was dark. I couldn't see anything. I could tell there were other girls there because I would hear giggling every time Dylan spoke.

"Why are you sorry Luke. You didn't do anything"

I look up to her and our eyes meet. Dylan didn't physically do anything to me. He only hurt me mentally.
He would demonstrate what he did to Mia with another girl.
He would order one of his 'boys' to bring in a girl.
She would come in crying.

Dylan would say her name so he must have known her.

He would hit her.
Slap her.
And throw her against the wall.
I still remember the exact words he said to me 'see I didn't do anything that bad to her'.

"I'm sorry I couldn't save you from him" I finally choke out.
I now know what he does to girls and Mia's not the only one.
From there I start crying and I can't control myself.
I don't want Mia to see me like this but I can't stop.

I want Dylan to be gone.

Keep reading and telling ur friends
Thnx <3

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