2- Why Me

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I wake up in my bed room. I roll over.
He's not there of course not.
I get out of bed to go check on Sierra.
I walk into her room and she's not there. I freak out and go into mom mode.

Even though I am only 18.

I run down stairs and
Dylan's on the couch giving Sierra her breakfast.
"Look mommy's awake"

He says to her like nothing happened last night.

"Good morning" I say with a fake smile on my face.

I go into the kitchen to get breakfast and Dylan walks in.
I back into the counter like I'm afraid of a dog jumping up on me.

"Shit my head hurts"

"Well you were drunk last night"

"You know I don't need your input smart ass"

"Oh so one minute your all nice and caring and in an instant you turn rude"

"Just shut up and tell me what happened last night"

"Ok well um you came home around 1 and you were drunk. You got mad at me and you did what you do every night. Hurt me"

"I would never do such a thing baby" he says waking over to me and grabbing my hips to pull me in for a kiss.

"No" I push him off me. "You need to stop going out and coming home drunk I can't do it anymore"

"You don't tell me what to do" his voice getting angrier.

"I can't have you hurting me or Sierra anymore"


"No. Sierra is only 2. She shouldn't be punished by you for anything she did"

"You don't listen when I say shut up" he grabs me arm and I squirm in pain.

"Dylan stop your hurting me"

"Will you listen?"

"Yes now please let go" he lets go and I go through the freezer for something cold to put on my arm.
"I need to go to the store today"

"No your never leaving this house" he's says


"Cause I said so. God you just can't listen can you. I'll run out today"

"You can't control me"

"Yes I can now move out of my way" he pushes past me to get up the stairs.

I have small bruises starting to form all over my arms.
I go into the living room and see Sierra playing with some of her toys.

When she turns I can see a big red mark on the side of her face and other marks and bruises on her arms.

That's it.

I'm not staying with him anymore.

I hear stairs creek and I turn around.
"Ok make a list and I'll run to the store" he says fixing his shirt.

"Ok" I say getting up to go in the kitchen and grabbing a piece of paper and pen from the drawer.

"Look you finally decides to listen"

"Well I don't want to get hurt again so ya I'll listen"

"Smart girl Mia smart girl"

I make the list extra long with things that I don't need and some things that aren't even real.
But he doesn't know that. He never went shopping before.
It will buy me extra time for something I have in mind.

"Wow babe lots of stuff"

"Don't call me babe" I mumble

"What was that?" he asks grabbing my arm.

"Nothing I said I love you"

"Good. I love you too. I'll be back soon" and he walks out the door.
As soon as the car pulls out of the drive way I start my plan to get away from him.


Ohhhh what's gonna happen. Lol idk.

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