4- Cute

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"Wait wait wait so that's why you ran away from him?"

"Yes Tori I think I told you the story about a thousand times already" I laugh a little bit.

"Oh um Mia?"

"Yaa?" I ask getting kinda worried.

"I kinda forgot to tell you something when I said you could stay here"

"What" I say with a confused look on my face.

"Well I live with my boyfriend. I hope it doesn't matter"

"Oh I thought it was going to be worse like I have a dead body in this house"

"Haha no that would be funny though"

"Not really but what's his name"

"His name is Calum. Just a warning I mean I don't really think it's a big deal but he always invites his friends over like everyday"

"Oh it's fine I mean as long as they are quiet when Sierra is sleeping"

"Uh Ya idk we might have to work on that with them"

Then the door opens and the kid from the coffee shop walks in.
Wait is that her boyfriend?

"Calum this is Mia"
Tori introduces him to me.

"Your the kid from the coffee shop"

"Uh ya, and you are?" He's asks.

"I'm Mia. Tori's friend. I'm living here now" I tell him.

"Wait your the girl whose living here?"


"Oh. Ok"

"Ok" Tori says "Mia I'll show you your room"

"Ok thanks"

I follow her upstairs and there is about 5 rooms.

She opens a door for me "sorry it's kinda small"

I look around.

It's bigger than my room at the old house.

"I thought you said this was a small apartment"

"It is. If you need anything just ask me or Calum"

"Ok thanks"

She walks downstairs and I set me and Sierra's stuff on my bed.

"Mommy I'm tired"


Sierra takes a nap so I decide to look around.

I walk into the first room. There not much in there other than a couch a drum set and a few guitars.
I go over and see some music on the couch so I pick up a guitar.
I haven't played in a while but let's hope I don't suck.

I play a few lines and pick up on the tune.

I see words on the sheet so I start to sing along.

So we're taking the long way home

'Cause I don't wanna be wasting my time alone

I wanna get lost and drive forever with you

Talkin' bout nothing, yeah, whatever, baby

So we're taking the long way home


"Wow your good"

I turn around and are a kid whose tall, has blonde hair, and a lip piercing.


"No I'm not very good I haven't played in a long time" I say setting the guitar down.

"Well I seems like you played quite a bit"

"I guess"

"So" he says walking over to me "my names Luke"
He holds out him hand.

"I'm Mia" I say shaking his hand.

"Oh ya Tori said you would be moving in"

"Uh ya. Do you live here?"

"I guess you could say that I basically come here every day"

"Oh you must be one of Calum's friends. Tori told me you guys come here a lot"

"She did?"

"She also said you are really loud"


"Well work on becoming quiet"

"Why does Mia not like a lot of noise" he says pouting his lip.

"My daughter doesn't"

"You have a daughter" he asks with a confused look on his face.

"Uh ya long story"

"I got time" he says sitting down on the couch.

"Uh I really don't know you and I'm not ready to tell people my whole life yet. Okay?"

"Okay" he says with a smile on his face.

"Wow stop quoting movies" I say roiling my eyes.

"Ok look it was one quote haha chill"

"Well I'm going to get something to eat downstairs"

"Ok I'll come too" he stands up and walks out the door.

He's cute.

Wait what am I thinking.

I just met him.

I technically haven't broken up with Dylan yet.

I need to do that soon...

"You comin' ?" He asks peeking his head in the door.

"Ya" I say smiling.


Wow okay long week full of no time to write.


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