3- leaving

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"What you doing mommy"

For a 2 year old she has a large vocabulary.
"Mommy's packing some clothes"


"We aren't staying with daddy anymore"

"Oh" she puts on a frowny face.

"Baby why you sad"

"Daddy hurt me" she points to her arm.

"I know he does. And he shouldn't so we are going to leave him. We have to get ready and leave before he gets home"

"Ok" she runs to her bag and try's to put some clothes in.
It doesn't work cause she's short.

"Baby I got it. Go grab a few toys you want to bring. Don't bring to many"

"Ok mommy" she runs downstairs.

I can't believe I'm actually leaving Dylan. He has the car so I can't drive anywhere but I called up one of my best friends Tori and she said I could stay with her.
She only lives down in the city, but I can walk there.

"Mommy I got some"
I look down at her arms and she has about 10 toys.

"Sierra you can only bring four. Those won't all fit"

"Ok ummm I want my blanket, Fiona the fish, and Timmy and Tommy"
Timmy and Tommy are 2 mini stuffed animals she's had since she was born.

"Ok give them to me and I'll put them in your bag. Now go watch some tv until I'm done"

She runs downstairs.

I finish packing and go downstairs.
I don't know what to do my adrenaline is pumping cause I'm excited/scared.

I hope he comes home late because I need time to walk down to the city.

"Ok Sierra lets go"

"Where we going?"

It's funny how she doesn't remember things I tell her but she knows more words than normal. "We're going to my friends house and stay there"

"Oh ok"

"Now we have to walk there because daddy I mean Dylan has the car"


"In you get tired walking tell me ok. We have to walk fast. Now let's go"
She grabs my hand and we walk out the door.

It's around 3 o'clock so hopefully Dylan won't get back till latest 5.

That will give me enough time to get to Tori's.

We start walking down the street and I see my neighbor Niall.

"Hey Mia"

"Hey Niall"

"Where Ya goin"

"Ok um long story short I'm leaving Dylan..."

"Wait why would you do that?"

"Because of reasons I really wish I could forget so Ya just if you see him don't say anything please"

"Dylan's a nice guy what would he do to you"

"Bad things Niall believe me if you went through it you wouldn't want to talk about it but anyway I have to go now"

"Uh ok bye Mia hope to see you soon"


Niall had always been one of those neighbors who is always in your business.

Want to be friendly but is too friendly.
About 2 streets down and Sierra starts complaining about waking so I have to carry her.

She not to heavy so it doesn't bother me that much.

I don't even realize where we are until I am in the middle of the road and a car hoar blares.

"Move lady!"

I quickly walk to the other side until I see a familiar car drive by.
Then it hits me.

It my car.

He turns the car around and heads my way.
I see a local coffee shop and go into it.

"Mommy what we doing" Sierra asks

"Shhhh baby daddy ugh I mean Dylan's outside we have to be quiet so he would find us"

We go to the corner of the shop and sit at a table.

I see Dylan get out of the car and come into the coffee shop.

I have to do something quick.
I run into the back of the shop where they wash dishes.

"Um excuse me"
Some kid who looks kinda Asian says to me "you can't be back here"

I answer back "unless you want a psychopath finding me and do who knows what to me I suggest I stay back here for a minute"

"Well I'm sorry I wish I could help but if I need to get my manager I can"

I look out a window in the door and see Dylan leave.

"That won't be necessary I'm leaving now"

"Ok bye" he says with a half smile.

I go outside and see Tori's house a couple buildings down.

I run down the street until I reach her house.

"Mommy who was that man"

"I don't know baby but let's hope we don't have to talk to him again"
I knock on the door and hope Tori answers quick.

I hear someone run down stairs and Tori's at the door.

"Omg Mia your here please come in"


Did Ya like it.
I hope so.
More people coming in next chapter.
I can't wait lol.

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