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*please read A/N at the end*

"Awe look how cute they are" my eyes are closed and I hear someone I front of me talking. I finally open my eyes and Tori and Calum are standing there.
I forget where I am for a second and turn my head.
I see Luke beside me still snoring. Michael slept in my room with Sierra so I ended up in Luke's room.
I groan and roll over and shove my face in the pillow.
"Why are you in here anyway" Calum asks me obviously knowing I'm awake.
"Michael ended up falling asleep in my room with Sierra so I came to Luke's room" it came out muffled because of the pillow but they both understood me.
"Your wearing his shirt"
I look down at the ATL shirt I had on.
"There is nothing wrong with that" I stand up off the bed and throw my hair into a messy bun. "What'd you need anyway"
"I was gonna come get Luke for breakfast and she came to get you" Calum said while nudging his girlfriend.
"Alrighty then I-"
"Good morning" I look over to see a sleepy Luke stretching.
"Morning sleepy head" Calum walks over and ruffles Luke's hair.
"Hey don't mess my hair up" Luke groans and tries to fix his hair.
"Come on I made pancakes" Tori pulls me out of the room into the hallway.
"Did you do anything" she has such a serious face a cant help but laugh.
"No. I promise" I nod my head and so does she.
They boys walk out and head down stairs and we follow.

Breakfast was amazing. There were fruits and juices. Dylan never let me have any of this. All I got was toast.
After breakfast Tori went up to my room to talk about my brother like she said.

"Why was he here" she sit on the bed and pats the spot next to her for me to sit.
"I'm not sure I haven't talked to him since I moved in with Dylan" I shrugged my shoulders.
"What about your dad do you know what happened?"
I sigh "nope" looking around the room trying to avoid the question. "We have always been really close. When I started dating my dad was very over protective. He never liked Dylan, he would come over for dinner and my dad would be rude. After a while, when I moved, me and my dad lost contact. A few texts here and the but nothing more." By now I didn't even realize year were at the edge of my eyes.
Tori comforted me and we finished our talk.
Since every one could tell I was down Luke decided if would be a good idea to go to the movies to get our minds off everything.
"Mia hurry up" Calum stand at my doorway while I finish putting on the last coat of mascara. "Why do girls even wear that stuff on their face"
I laugh "I don't wear as much as Tori though"

He crosses his arms and just looks at me.
"Hey she looks pretty with it"

"Then its doing its job" I grab my phone and walk right past Calum.
He huffs and follows me downstairs.
"Finally look who showed up" Ashton throws his hands up in the air.
"Whatever lets just go" I pick Sierra up and carry her out to the car.


"Ooooo popcorn" Michael runs over to the snack bar and Luke and Calum run to the arcade.

"Boys" Ashton rolls his eyes trying to act like the mature one.
"Oh just go play" Tori shoves him away.

"Yay" he runs over to where the rest of the boys are.
Me and Tori laugh while going over to the booth go get tickets. We still didn't decide what movie we wanted to watch when a guy came up and stood next to us.
He had a baseball cap on and sunglasses.
We were next in line when he stepped in front of us.
"Excuse me but you just stepped in front of us. We were here first" Tori taps the mans shoulder and he turns around.
"Maybe the world doesn't revolve around you princess"
Tori clenched her fists and looks like she is about to rip his head off.
Thank goodness Calum came over and engulfed her in a bear hug.
By the time the rest of the boys came over the man was gone.
"What ever. How about we watch Mocking Jay" Michael goes up to the lady at the counter and get our tickets.
"Thanks for asking our opinion on that Mikey" Luke pats his should and heads into the theater.
"Mummy I like this movie" Sierra says while lifting get head from my shoulder.
"We only watched in once and you fell asleep in the first five minutes" she giggles.
"C'mon lets go" she gets down from my arms and takes my hand dragging me into the theater.


The movie was really good. I absolutely love Josh Hutcherson. Celebrity crush.
I feel like I ate way to much candy and popcorn. The whole movie Sierra kept yelling about how good the movie was. I'm pretty sure everyone in the theater was beyond pissed.
By the time we drove home it was past midnight.
Michael carried Sierra in and put her in bed. I was about to pass out on the couch until someone sat down next to me.
"Hey" I look over and see who it is. Luke.
"Hi" I say back while covering my mouth to yawn.
"I just wanted to let you know if you ever need anything I'm always here to help"
"Well thank you Luke. That's very kind of you" I giggle and I see I light blush on his face.
"Anyway I hope you had a good night" he moves closer to me so our arms touch.
"I had a great time. The movie was amazing" I look him in the eyes.
"Just like you" he leans closer and his lips brush mine.
I smile and he finally kisses me. And I kiss back.
When we pull away I could tell Michael was watching us as he turned around and walked up stairs mumbling something I couldn't hear.
"Goodnight babe" Luke gets up and I follow him up the steps.
I get to my room to open the door and "hey Mia I forgot something"
I turn around to see what he means.
He pecks my lips "sweat dreams"
He goes into his room and I do the same.
I jump into my bed and squeal like a little girl.
I get ready for bed and fall asleep with happy thoughts.

Haha long time so see.

But I'm back


So sorry for slow updates.
I'm not really keen on the while writing thing.
I suck at writing like no joke so chapters are going to suck like they always do.
Many people don't read this but updates are going to be slower cause I'm busy with swimming and I have summer work to do for high school.
I also want to spend some more time with my friends this year cause I'm working on the whole anti-social thing.

Anyway I want to get to know u people so I'm gonna have questions at the end of every chapter. Today's is......

What's ur favorite color?

Mines purple 💜

So yep that's it
Can't promise an update soon but I'll work on it
byeeeeeee <3

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