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"Will you be our Indian manager? We really want one to guide us over here" said Jungkook.

"Yeah! The people with whom we work are so old. We don't have fun with them" said Taehyung.

It looked as if the BTS was trying to convince me to work for them. It sounds so stupid. I was myself dying to work for them but I was so stunned to even reply. Namjoon left few minutes back for a call and came back with a wide smile on his face.

"They were against this...but finally they agreed. She can work here" Namjoon said smiling.

I wanted to leave the chair and dance madly. My mind was not working properly. I wanted to call Stella and tell her what happened just now. I wanted to call Tess and tell her. Even I wanted to call my parents and tell them that I got accepted to work with the most famous band. I wanted to dance and sing over there. I somehow managed my feelings but my huge smile was perfectly visible.

"There is a problem"

I heard these words of Namjoon and again my stomach did a somersault.

"What problem?" finally I spoke.

"The company wants you to sign a contract before working with us."

"Contract? Nothing was told before the interview"

"Yeah actually this interview was not for a manager thing. It was our personal choice to get someone as our manager so they said that you have to sign a contract."

"Okay! But what kind of contract it will be?"

"Well! let them come ... we will see then"

My smile faded. I noticed Taehyung looking at me and he said,

"Ohh! This company does all these weird things. Let's see what the contract is about. We will take care of it"

"Taehyung! You are being very worried" replied Jimin sarcastically.

I waited there sitting straight on the chair for one hour now. My back started aching. Finally someone entered the room.

"Miss! Please read the contract carefully before signing. If it is okay with you then we may proceed." Said the BTS staff member holding contract in his hand.

I opened the contract, it said:

'The person who is willing to work for the BTS as the Indian Manager will have to follow the certain rules:

1- You will have to live with BTS for next three months.

2- You are supposed to manage their time schedule.

3- The time schedule will be provided by the company which should be managed strictly.

4- You cannot tell anyone about this. Not even your family and friends.

5- You will remain as a secret person.

6- Your identity will never be displayed.

7- You should not maintain any close relationship with any of the BTS member.'

The last point made me feel low. I never wanted to sign a contract which said to not maintain a close relationship with them. In my thoughts, I was already having a close relation with Taehyung. The tension on my face was visible when I heard someone saying,

"Rules are meant to be broken"

Taehyung always makes me smile. He did even this time. He said this in front of his staff member. The staff member could not answer and just ignored him. I felt a bit motivated and signed the contract. That was all. I was now going to live with BTS. I clearly saw the power that BTS had in their company. It was the best feeling but I was still regretting. I wanted to tell Stella what was happening here with me. I wanted to inform my parents as well. It was okay being the hidden person but at least I wanted my parents to know.

"We are going to talk with your company for letting you work with us for three months. Your job will still be there but now you will get paid by us and not them. Just three months. Also, prepare what you want to tell your friends and family. And! Most important...Remember the last point", the staff member focused more on the last line. He took the signed contract and soon left.

I was feeling guilty not telling my friends and family about anything. I already prepared what I was going to tell them. I was lost in my thoughts when Namjoon said,

"Bring your stuffs here tomorrow. We will leave with you for home"

Those words again made my stomach do a somersault. 'Home with BTS'.

I left for home. I reached the apartment when I saw Stella sadly sitting on the bed.

"What happened?"

"Someone got selected......They say it's a boy who got selected"

"What!!! Boy!! Seriously!"

I was shocked. They changed my gender. It was really shocking after knowing the company lying perfectly.

"It's okay just forget it.... I think they wanted to select a boy only"

"yeah!...well I saw your mail few minutes back...Why didn't you tell me?"

"Tell you what?" I felt anxious.

"You are joining different company.... I saw the mail....When did you send the resignation letter?...and you should have told me.....from tomorrow you are going to join the work... I am so angry"

I was all confused. I looked at my mail. For few seconds I was myself surprised but then I remembered. The Big Hit Company might have send the mail using different name.

"Stella! I did not want to upset you. I never thought I was going to get selected. It was just for fun I went through the interview and I don't know how I got selected."

"It's okay...happy for you..So cancelled your tickets already? Only I am going back to Pune then."

I saw how sad she was. I wanted to tell her everything on spot but that was against the contract.

The next day Stella left for Pune. I packed my things and left for the place where interview took. Today there was complete silence. No crowd and no public. I entered the building. The members were already waiting for me there.

"Come let's go! From the back door" Taehyung said with a big smile.

The guards kept our bags in the car and left. I was sitting in the same car with BTS. I was happy and feeling weird at the same time. There was complete silence. Everyone was busy in the cell phones. I was busy looking at them. Finally we reached somewhere in the woods. It was very beautiful place. The house looked like a palace to me. I have never lived in such a big house before. My eyes were fixed at the beautiful house.

"Please ..come in" Yoongi said looking at me.

I took my bag and entered. The house was enormous and equally pretty from inside. I had no words to explain the beauty of the house. They all went upstairs kept their bags and came down and lied on the couch.

"Y/N come sit with us....let's talk" Hoseok was really a sunshine. His smile was so warm. I already felt like home with him.

"Just a bracelet incident brought us together" Taehyung said sleeping on the couch with his head on Seokjin's lap.

"Together? Lol Taehyung! Haha!" Jimin said laughing.

"Feel comfortable Little Manager" Jungkook said as he walked beside me and tapped on my shoulder.

"Jungkook finally we got someone younger than you! You are not the youngest anymore! Haha! Little Manager ... I like this name", said Jimin.

I was now working as Little Manager for the BTS. The contract did not made me much happy but at least it made my impossible dream come true.

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