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Days passed. Now the company allowed BTS to step out of their house. They went to different interviews and shootings. The schedule was strict than before. Along with them I was also asked to manage different tasks. The company never allowed me to travel along with BTS. They went for their work with other staff members. While BTS were busy with their work, I went to the company for carrying out different tasks. The workload increased. It was more professional now. All day I used to work in the company and late night went to house. I was now living only eight hours with BTS at home. Those eight hours included sleep and personal time. I was not able to communicate much with them. Everything looked busy now.

"Little Manager is actually working very hard now. She rarely talks! She was so fun before...." said jungkook.

"Yeah! She works for the company...Poor girl! They are making her do a lot...I remember how we used to spend time and laugh together" replied Jin looking at me.

I got a car from the company to travel daily from home to office.

"Did you see my keys?", I asked.

"Do you mean this one? Tata keyring?" said Jungkook holding my keys in his hand.

I went blank. He was smiling at me. I saw Taehyung gave a look at the keys and then glanced at me. He again looked down on his laptop and smiled. My cheeks again went pink.

"Yeah! Give it to me Jungkook"

"Ohh..Wait ... It is so cute. Taehyung hyung see Tata! So small and cute...Haha!!"

Taehyung looked at the keys and smiled. I grabbed the keys from his hand and left for work.

The work kept on going for days. Months passed. It was December now. I made really great friends. BTS was like my family now. Staying with them made me feel so special. They used to take care of me like I was actually the youngest member of their group. It was the last month of BTS staying in India. I never wanted them to leave. Whenever I thought of them leaving, tears automatically came in my eyes. The contract which I signed did not brought much problem to me. I followed every point except the last. It was not possible to stop feeling for Taehyung. Now, everyone other than him knew what I felt for Taehyung. I did not want him to feel awkward so I kept my feelings within me. I already got so much. Living with them was already something which I never thought could happen.

That night, one week before BTS returning to Korea, Jimin came and sat next to me.

"Y/N you really forgot!! I asked you a favor!" he said.

"I remember ... I just got so busy"

"I know you work really hard.....never get time...but right now you have time...let's go!"

"It's too late"

"It will be fun"

I agreed what Jimin said. Maybe it was safe to go for outing at night.

"Wait in the car for me!" he said and left towards his room.

I went towards my car. The sky was shining brightly with stars. The woods looked pretty at night. I waited for half hour inside the car when finally Jimin arrived. He quietly opened the door and sat inside. I did not look at him. I was still dreaming about Taehyung being in place of Jimin.

"Let's go then"

I drove the car and finally after a long ride we reached the famous Juhu Beach. I parked the car. The beach did not have many visitors so it was fine taking a disguised celebrity there.

"Wow! Nice place Little Manager"

I heard the voice. My stomach did a somersault. I felt the butterflies within. Such pretty deep voice! It can be Kim Taehyung only. I looked at him astonished.

"Stop staring me...How can I let Jimin enjoy such beautiful time", he said and stepped down the car.

Even though he was disguised, but anyone can easily guess that he was a celebrity. His personality speaks so well. I stepped down the car and walked along with him towards the shore.

We sat there looking at the beautiful sea shining brightly. The weather was so perfect. It was difficult to look at Taehyung directly. I kept on staring the night sky. I started counting the stars when he spoke,

"You know! I belong from a farmer's family. Since childhood I was interested in music"

I wanted to say 'Yess! I know everything about you' but I kept on staring as he spoke. His pretty eyes looked even more perfect that night.

"I feel connected with you.....You are so pure and different.....I feel really sad...I don't want to leave India now"

I kept on staring him.

"Come to Seoul with me", I was amazed listening this.

"Huh?" I did not have much to reply. I was already in shock.

"Yeah! Come to Seoul. Work for me. It feels so good having you around"

"Your company won't let me"

"We have more power in Seoul....just come with us"

His face was shining brightly in the moonlight. His pretty jawline was visible so perfectly. That night we shared a lot. I told him how I came ended up with them, friends and family. It was like a dream sitting next to a disguised international star and talking about life. He meant so much to me.

"Can I hug you?" he asked the question that was going in my mind.


"Yes! You"

"Ummmm..." and without my reply he hugged me. That warm hug made my life complete. After spending hours, we drove back to house.

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