Chapter 8

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Kaitlyn's POV

All my friends do is talk about Kaylynn since she arrived. They would ask me questions like "Is she annoying?" Or like "Do you like her is she nice?" I'm sick and tired of it I wish they would just get over her. It's like she is a big deal she is just another human being like you and me.

My best friend Allison at least asked me if it was alright if she asked questions. I lied to her and said it was fine. I wish Kaylynn never came here. She is taking all my popularity and friends. I hate her so much. My friend Baby Matthew is all over her. He doesn't even talk to me the same. Why can't she just die and go to hell where she belongs.

(Sorry it's short had writers block)

TroubleDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora