Chapter 9

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Kaylynn's POV

It's finally The weekend thank god it's Friday! I got a text from Katy saying *Niall left today to go back home.* I texted back *ok:(*. She texted back *I know I lost both of my best friends I wish both of you were still here. Oh and Niall told me to tell you he loves you he wishes he could have told you in person but you left before he could.* I almost dropped my phone on the last part. I texted back *really he loves me?* I waited for a minute till she replied. *yes girl call him he doesn't know how you feel;)* I texted back *okay;)*.

I dialed in his number and listened to it ring. He didn't answer so I left a voicemail saying "call me back once you get this." I fell asleep waiting for him to call back. About thirty minutes later he finally called back it woke me up. I answered "hello".
"Hey Kaylynn. Did I wake you up?"
"No, no you didn't I just got up from a nap."
"Well what did you need?" He said sounding relieved.
"I wanted to tell you how I feel. I love you Niall."
"Really you love me. I thought you would freak out once you figured out i love you too." He said really excitedly.
" I wish I could see you I really miss you Niall."
"Me too Kaylynn I really miss you too."
"Niall... Will you go out with me?"
"I'm sorry Kaylynn but no I got to go bye."
"Bye..." I said right before he hung up on me. That was really weird. I wonder why he acted all strange when I asked him out? He just said he loved me then he said no to me and hung up. I'm very confused. I was alone in my room again. I have other stuff to worry about other than Niall like my barrel race tomorrow. I just couldn't help but go and crawl up in a corner and cry myself to sleep.

TroubleDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora