Chapter 14

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Kaitlyn's POV

I can't believe he called me a bitch! I'm so mad at him right now I think I could punch something. I thought he loved me apparently he didn't. I should warn Kaylynn about him but I saw the way she looked at him. She doesn't like the idea of not having him. The way Niall looked at her though almost tore my heart out and shredded it to pieces.

I know he likes her and she likes him but I don't get why he likes her more than me. Yes I have cheated a few times but I still loved him and did do things for him. Why couldn't he love me like he loves her? I will have to get revenge on him but how?

I think I know how. I am going to get him trapped in a corner and wait till she comes near him and then I'm going to kiss him. That should break his heart because she will run away and never trust him again and he will come crawling back to me.

(Sorry it's so short but it's really hard righting in Kaitlyns POV. I'll try to write more)

TroubleDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora