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nishimura riki

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nishimura riki.

"hyung, we need to get hoon hyung and lihua noona to date" i whispered in sunoo hyung's ear. "i agree, but how?" he replied. i turned to the boy next to me "jungwon hyung, we are gonna have a sleepover right?" i asked him. "yup" he replied, immediately stuffing his mouth with a cookie after. "do you think we should try to get two of us to go to the store and get some snacks?" i said "and by two of us you mean hoon hyung and lihua noona?" sunoo said with a knowing smile on his face "exactly". "but how?" "i know something" said the boy next to me. "hoon hyung and hua, can you two go to the store and buy some snacks for everyone?" "sure wonnie, but why do hoonie and i need to go?" asked the girl. "well, we are having a sleepover and i know that hyung has some comfortable clothes in his sports bag, but the others don't have their clothes here. so i thought if you two go and get some snacks, me and the others go and pick up their pajamas" i explained. "okay, do you want us to go now or..." said the boy next to lihua. "you can go anytime you want, but traffic is still busy right now" said heeseung. the girl nodded "oh, i almost forgot. i have a question for hoonie, jake, jay and heeseung, do you want me to call you oppa or not?" asked the girl. they looked at each other shortly, heeseung hyung answering for them "of course we would like that, but do whatever you are comfortable with". "okay!" she said while smiling.

park sunghoon.

i walked out of the house, lihua following me after she had closed the door. the other boys gave us a whole list of snacks that we needed to buy, even some mcdonald's food was on it. "do you want to walk or go with my car?" i asked as she was walking down the driveway. "let's go walking? or do you want to go with the car?" she asked "let's go walking it is still nice weather anyway" i responded. we started to walk to the convenience store, talking about nothing in particular and having our arms linked. it felt good, a serene and nice walk. the girl next to me giggling about a story she is telling. suddenly she stopped "hoon we need to take a selfie!" she said with a big smile on her face. i handed over my phone "okay now pose!" when she was done, she looked at it, a satisfied smile on her face. i linked our arms back, and we continued our walk.

after five minutes, we arrived at the store, putting our masks on and sanitizing our hands. "hello" said the older woman, who was just picking some heavy baskets up. "oh i will help you miss" i said immediately walking to her and grabbing the baskets. "oh my, what a gentleman" "where do i need to place them, miss?" i asked "over there, next to the fridge" she said and pointed to the fridge. "can i help you dear?" i heard the woman ask lihua "no thank you miss, we only need some things" she replied politely "call me if you need help" she said and retreated to her place behind the counter. "okay i will get the chips, you get the drinks" she said and made motions that we need to be fast. after grabbing the items, i walked over to her. "hoonie can you hold this really quick, i kinda need to go to the restroom" she said as she handed me the items "yeah go, i will go and pay already okay?". after paying and bidding goodbye to the lady, i quickly exited the store, so others could enter, after all, covid is still a thing. i placed the items on the plastic table. i posted the selfie we made earlier on my instagram story. i grabbed a fry from the mcdonald's we got earlier.



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as i waited for the birthday girl, a few girls come up to me who try to hug me. i immediately stand up and try to respectfully remove their arms from me. "what in the world are you doing?" i asked angrily, while also trying to refrain from drawing any attention from bystanders. "oppa! we love you!" one of the fangirls said. "yeah! just leave that dumb ass bitch lihua for one of us!" another one said. another one immediately added "yeah she is so ugly! and a fucking stupid whore!". my eyes darkened "don't ever fucking call her those names, where the fuck are your manners!". "oppa don't shout at us" said one of the girls, who seemed to be the leader. "you, what is your name?" "omg it's lee hyojin oppa" "thanks, you will hear from my company" i said with a dark smile. "what! oppa that's not fair!" "yeah! why are you protecting that fucking slut!" said a 'brave' girl. "because i care about her. now, what did i fucking say about calling her names? if i ever hear you calling her names again, you will fucking hear from me or my company! now scram before i call the fucking police!" i said furiously. the girls slowly backed off as i grabbed my phone out of my pocket, by the time i had the electronic device in my hand they sprinted off.

"hoonie..." whispered the girl with a shaky voice. i immediately turned around. the girl was visibly shaken up. i opened my arms for her, the girl falling into my arms as soft sobs were heard. "i'm sorry for screaming, hua" i softly mumbled after a few minutes of us hugging. "no, thank you for defending me" "anything for you. when we get back home, i will immediately call the company. now let's head home, okay?" i felt the girl nod her head, too tired to say anything. "do you want to walk or get on my back?" "back" she whispered softly. i crouched down in front of her. grabbing her under-thigh. when i felt her arms around my neck, after she grabbed the bag of food, i set off home.

 when i felt her arms around my neck, after she grabbed the bag of food, i set off home

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question of the chapter.

what are your 3 favorite
things from mcdonald's?

i obviously have to
choose the mcflurry,
milkshake and fish burger :)


i almost have vacation!!

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