Poems for Palestine to raise awareness!!
All poems written by me:)
Please tag me/give creds if you repost my poems so I can see:)
If you like the poems and the message in them, then pls share so that we can raise awareness against the injustice that...
The poem is written by me for the Children of Palestine. I am addressing this poem to Israel (the Israeli government and army). I don't understand how anyone could support the killing of innocent people, let alone the murders of children. Many of these children are babies and infants who can't even stand on their own two feet. The ethnic cleansing, torture, violence, and murders of innocent Palestinian families breaks my heart. I don't understand how anyone could support Israel, after all, they have done, attacking mosques, churches, saying that there is a ceasefire and then still injuring and killing innocent Palestinians? Are the words humanity, kindness, respect, and peace not in their vocabulary?
I'm sorry for ranting but this needed to be said. I don't care if I get any hate because I always stand with my brothers and sisters in Palestine. This is my opinion not only as someone who is a Muslim but also as a HUMAN. There are also Christian Palestinians which is why you don't need to be Muslim to support Palestine, you just need to be Human.
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Below I have translated the poem into Arabic, Urdu, Turkish, Hindi, Bahasa Indonesia, and Hebrew. (I used google translate mostly so pls let me know if the translations are accurate) The reason why I translated the poem is so that more people can read and understand the poem and you can share it with your family, friends who don't speak English or speak English and one of these languages, like I speak English and Urdu:) I will be writing more poems for Palestine and pls let me know which languages you want me to translate them into. Thank you!
لا تشعر بالدموع تتساقط على خدك؟ .. عندما تقتل أطفالاً صغاراً ، ضعفاء جداً؟قل لي لماذا تحاول الهزيمة .. أولئك الذين بالكاد يستطيعون الوقوف على قدميهم؟
کیا آپ کو اپنے گال سے آنسو کی چال محسوس نہیں ہوتی؟ .. جب آپ اتنے چھوٹے ، اتنے کمزور بچوں کو مارتے ہو؟ مجھے بتائیں ، آپ کیوں شکست دینے کی کوشش کر رہے ہیں .. وہ جو بمشکل اپنے دونوں پیروں پر کھڑے ہوسکتے ہیں؟
Yanağından bir damla yaş süzüldüğünü hissetmiyor musunuz? ..Çok küçük, çok zayıf çocukları öldürdüğünde?Söyle bana, neden iki ayağı üzerinde zar zor ayakta duranları yenmeye çalışıyorsunuz?
Bahasa Indonesia:
Tidakkah kamu merasakan air mata menetes di pipimu? ..Ketika Anda membunuh anak-anak yang sangat muda, sangat lemah?Katakan padaku, mengapa kamu mencoba untuk mengalahkan.. mereka yang hampir tidak bisa berdiri dengan kedua kaki mereka?
אתה לא מרגיש שדמעה מטפטפת על לחייך? .. כשאתה הורג ילדים כל כך צעירים, כל כך חלשים?תגיד לי, למה אתה מנסה להביס .. את מי שבקושי יכול לעמוד על רגליהם?
क्या आपको नहीं लगता कि आपके गालों से आंसू बह रहे हैं? ..कब तुम इतने छोटे, इतने कमजोर बच्चों को मारते हो?मुझे बताओ, तुम क्यों हराने की कोशिश कर रहे हो.. जो मुश्किल से अपने दो पैरों पर खड़ा हो सकता है?