dont kiss me.

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chapter 10

"your what?" vinnie mutters through chuckles, increasing my embarrassment and anger level.

"my hair is caught... could you just help me please?"

"and what's in it for me?"

"the satisfaction of helping a dear friend out, as once said by you" i smile, and he scoffs.

"not enough!"

"then what do you want vinnie?" i press my ear against the door.

"hmm... i'll think about it"

the door clicks open, but i push it back shut.

"do you mind closing your eyes?" the words come out as a mere whisper.

"whatever you want" the breeze of the door opening passes by my shoulders as vinnie walks behind me.

his hands find my back, and i tense at the chill of his fingertips.

"how did you manage to let this happen?" i can tell there is a firm smile on his face.

"i don't know" i cover my face in embarrassment.

"are your eyes closed?" i ask, but he doesn't answer. his fingers work against my skin, lightly grazing over it until i feel the clasps undo.

butterflies tickle my stomach, flying a little more frantically than they usually would. what is happening?

i could feel warmth emanating from his body, only a few inches from mine.

his hands don't leave my back. instead they snake around my waist, turning me around and pulling me closer and closer.

by now the butterflies are practically racing, competing to win this battle i didn't even know started.

i should pull away, i have a boyfriend. a boyfriend who doesn't appreciate me as much as i would like.

one kiss won't hurt... just one.

no! no. what is wrong with me? i can't kiss vinnie! he doesn't even like me, we're not friends. we just help each other. i help him...

...but his lips are irresistible, drawing me closer as his hazel orbs bore into mine.

but we don't know anything about each other? i don't know his favourite food, or his dog's name. does he even have a dog?

i can feel vinnie's light breaths fan against my lips, some sort of gravitational pull drawing us together.

"don't kiss me" i utter, stare into his hopeful eyes, filled with desire and want.

"why not?" he says in a low tone, much lower than usual.

"i have a boyfriend" why am i feeling this way? i shouldn't be thinking about anyone other than jonah.

but vinnie's the only one i can think about right now.

"i don't see him" vinnie mutters, lips inches from mine.

"don't kiss me, vinnie"

"but i want to" his voice becomes lower and raspier... and sexier.

oh no.

"don't do it-" his lips brush over mine lighter than a feather.

oh god.

i want him to. i want him to kiss me. i think deep down i always have. i thought i had self-respect for myself, but i think my self-respect and dignity flew out the window from the day of the fight.

there are so many reasons why i shouldn't do this, it would hurt jonah and i would be labelled as a cheater.

vinnie isn't nice. he isn't kind in the slightest. and i don't know what it is that has created these feelings for him.

"i can't" i mutter, pulling away. the dark and sexy look in his eyes becomes dull and lifeless.

vinnie pauses, his expression looks hurt and pained.

"you should leave" vinnie rubs at his forehead, placing my shirt in front of me.

there's a small part of me, a very small part that wished we kissed.

"i think i should" i gather my things, getting out of there as fast as i can.

what was i thinking? anything to do with vincent hacker never leads to anything good.

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