Godammit, He's Back

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About two weeks after the Bathhouse Incident, as the Cram Group so lovingly dubbed it, there was an assembly for Exorcists.

Rin found herself on a balcony overlooking the assembly room, joining Suguro and Izumo, who were already there.

"I didn't even know this balcony was here...." She mused as the rest of the Cram students joined them.

"Do you think they'll explain why the Exams have been moved up?" Kamiki wondered hopefully. She's heard some rumors around the Barn School amongst the teachers. Certain instructors(*cough* Tsubakki*cough*)couldn't keep their mouths shut and had spouted something about the matter.

"That'd be great, but probably not. They like to leave the kids in the dark to seem less shady, remember?" Rin snorted.

Mephisto's eyes met hers from a higher balcony where he was undoubtedly going to poof down to the stage from, and grin. She raised a brow.

He winked a put a finger to his lips as the speaker introduced the Director of Japan Branch. Mephisto did his dramatic entrace and modified the microphone with a snap.

"Guten Tag, meine lieben Exorzisten!" He greeted flamboyantly as his cape flared behind him. "I'll not waste your time–we're a very busy bunch, after all." He threw out a peace sign and a wink.

Rin scoffed. The only thing that kept Mephisto Pheles busy was video games, anime, and manga. Poison-green eyes flicked up to meet hers in a glare. She flipped him off before he looked away. His nostrils flared in a barely concealed snort of laughter.

"It has been officially announced that demonic activity has been growing worldwide in the last two months. As you may know, Nests of low-class demons are increasing inside the school. That is why the patrol squad and other measures had to be deployed. With the sudden increase of requests for Exorcists, finding any available backup resources is like being on a waiting list for a reservation-only restaurant on Valentine's Day! This situation has turned dire, unfortunately. Therefore, the Vatican headquarters have given orders to increase the number of Exorcists joining our ranks as soon as possible." Mephisto announced with a rare serious expression. Probably because this was messing with his plans or something of the sort.

"First, we shall form an alliance with other Exorcist Organizations that are not currently a part of the Order. In times of need, we must do what it takes and seek aid from outside sources. Second, we’ll be holding the Exorcist Qualification Exam in every Cram School across the globe at the start of next year in hopes of increasing the number of Exorcists even more." Immediately, the murmur of voices rose in volume in the crowded hall, concerned voices echoing all around as people began to automatically assume the worst.

Mephisto cleared his throat with a cross look on his face. "I was not finished." The hall quieted significantly and Rin grinned. None of the humans wanted to piss off the second most powerful Demon King.

"Guys, that only leaves us with a month and a half to get ready!” Konekomeru calculated, turning to his friends in worry. 

"Are we that short-handed? Damn that's sad. The Order used to be a huge threat before we were born. What happened?" Suguro wondered incredulously.

Kamiki have him a flat look and pointed to his girlfriend, who gave a dry smile and an awkward wave.

"I happened, Babe." She reminded him.

"No, your dad happened. You were in the process of coming into the world." Shima corrected.

"Could the increase in demonic activity be related to Lucifer and his Band of Merry Psychos or is it Satan getting ready to make a move?" Izumo questioned.

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