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TW: Swearing and alcohol

Listen to enough for u, happier, favorite crime, and 1 step forwards 3 steps back by Olivia Rodrigo to this chapter <3

Hotch was different with you, colder. He stopped putting coffees on your desk and as much as you would deny it, it broke your heart. You just figured he was stressed or forgot. Then he stopped carrying your go-bag off the jet. He stopped pairing you with him on cases, if you were at the crime scene he was at the precinct. He avoided you at all costs while working. He stopped sitting near you when the team went out and never offered to take you home after a hard case like he usually did. All of those seemed like little things compared to what really hurt. He stopped inviting you to Jack's soccer games.
The only reason you were at this game is that JJ invited you to watch Henry. What you didn't expect was to see him with a woman. You went to hug Dave on the sidelines before heading to the bleachers, he had started coaching the team with Hotch months ago. "Hey Y/L/M. I didn't think you would come today," he says hugging you. You shrug, "Henry wanted me to come so here I am." He nods but doesn't say anything more. You sat next to Emily and Penelope, hugging them both quickly. The game was quick, Jack and Henry's team won. You went with Penelope and Emily to the field where JJ was with Henry. When Jack saw you he quickly called you over. You could feel Hotch and Dave starring at you, probably willing for you not to come. Hotch was being a dick but you weren't going to take that out on Jack. "Y/N you came!" he says hugging you tightly. "Of course I came, had to see my favorite FBI kid win once again." He smiles at you and you feel Hotch, Rossi, and that woman staring at you. "How come you don't come to the house anymore? I miss you and I think daddy does too." he asks as you stand. Hotch opens his mouth to speak but you cut him off, "I'm sorry buddy I've been so busy. If your dad is okay with it we can go get ice cream soon okay?" You say sending Hotch a glance. "I didn't think you were coming." he says, arms folded over his chest as Jack ran off with Henry. "Like I told Dave, Henry told JJ to ask me to come so I did, didn't mean to intrude but you know I can't ignore Jack out of the blue." you say implying him cutting you off. Rossi shakes his head as Hotch speaks again, "This is Beth, Beth this is Y/N Y/L/M. She's a member of the team." She smiles at you and you smile back. "Nice to meet you, Jack talks about you a lot." That makes you laugh, "Don't tell anyone but sources say I'm his favorite FBI agent." Both her and Dave laugh at that. "Well we should go, we have reservations tonight. Take care." Hotch says taking Beth's hand. "I'm sorry kiddo," Rossi says, putting his arm over your shoulder. "For?" you ask. "I know how you feel about Aaron." You shrug not even bothering to deny it. "Doesn't matter Dave, I'm fine."

Y/N: Can you come over? I need you rn

Derek: OMW

You read the text, relief running through your veins. So maybe Derek had been right, maybe you were avoiding your feelings for Hotch. You hear him knocking on your door, opening it seeing him with a bottle in hand. "How did you get here so fast?" you ask. "Rossi told me you might need some company tonight. Care to explain why?" he asks hugging you before moving to pour you both a glass. "Hotch has been ignoring me, he stopped leaving me coffees. he doesn't invite me to Jack's games oh and the icing on the fucking cake, I met Beth today." You say downing half your glass. He looks at you with sad eyes before the gears in his head start turning. "spit it out, Derek." you push. "You're in love with Hotch. You love him," he says smiling. You open your mouth to say something but the words don't come out.  He lets you sit in silence to collect your argument of denial before you speak. "Yeah, I'm in love with Hotch."

You called Strauss to inform her you needed a week off, claiming mental health due to your recent abduction. She probably knew it was bullshit but she granted it anyway. It was the last day of your time off when you heard banging on your door. You knew it was Derek and Dave. You hadn't told anyone you were taking off. Strauss got so busy even she forgot to mention it. You knew they were pissed but you couldn't go to work. Not after telling Derek that you were in love with Hotch. "Y/N we know you're in there, I had Garcia track your location." Dave says before adding, "I will take away your wine privileges if you don't open this damn door." So you opened the door letting them walk in. You walk back to your couch, your home for the past 6 days, and plopped back down grabbing the glass of wine in front of you. "You guys need something or just here to annoy me?" Derek sits next to you, throwing your legs over his lap, "Y/N what's wrong, you missed a case. You never miss a case." You roll your eyes, "You're back so clearly it was fine." Dave sits on the chair next to you, "Kid you can't avoid him forever. " You wince drinking again, "I can try. Look I'm not pouting if that's what you think this is. I just needed a week, that's all I asked Strauss for." They both nod knowing if you confided in Strauss it was important. Granted you didn't exactly tell her you were in love with your superior. "I'll be in tomorrow, I just need some time alone. Please," you beg them. They nod getting up to leave before Derek turns around, "Hey, I love you. You know that right?" You smile, "I know, I love you too. I even love you old man." Rossi laughs before hugging you. Them both leaving you to recoup for tomorrow.

Going back to work was hard, especially seeing Hotch so happy. You, on the other hand, were cold and icy to everyone aside from Derek and Rossi. Even Penelope couldn't get you to smile or carry a conversation. It wasn't till you guys got back from the case that the girls confronted you. "Y/N what's wrong? Why are you shutting us out?" JJ asks, worry laced in her voice. "I- I don't know if I can talk about it or even how to talk about it. I'm sorry I've been cold the past few weeks, I love you guys I just needed to suffer alone." you ramble. Emily hugs you, "You don't have to justify yourself, just promise me you don't hate us." You laugh even though tears are rolling down your face. "I could never hate you." You all group hug as Penelope asks, "So you're coming to family dinner at Rossi's tomorrow?" You nod. Fuck that was tomorrow. Working on a case with Aaron was one thing but dinner? That was a different battle.

A/N HI OKAY I LIKE THIS ONE TOO!! Lot's of drama in the next one <3

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