Dancing In The Sky

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TW: Swearing, violence, also time jump this chapter <3

It had been two years, cases came and went but Martin was never caught. It was eating away at you and everyone knew it, especially Hotch. Living together was perfect, you were a little family and it just felt right. Yet you couldn't shake the feeling it was all too good to be true. The two-year anniversary of meeting Martin was coming up and the team was visibly walking on eggshells. You had just wrapped up a case in Iowa, it was a simple one but the team knew you were stressed. "We should go drinking tonight," Derek suggested. You shrug, "I'm in as long as Rossi is buying." Aaron laughs next to you, holding your coat so you could put your arms through. You turn to him once it's on, giving him a quick kiss. "Thank you, ever the gentleman."

You were all at the bar when you decided to call Jason, it had been a while and you felt like leaving him another voicemail. You were planning on confessing how stressed you were as it rang. When someone picked it up you nearly had a heart attack, "Y/N, sweetheart. I love you, I love you so much." Jason says quickly. "Ohmygod Jason, I love you too, so so much. Are you okay what's wrong?" you ask. "I don't have much time so let me make this quick. You and Hotch, I'm happy for you. He's in love with you, he always has been. I'm so so proud of you. Tell Spencer I love him. And thank Dave for me, for taking care of you. Tell them I miss them all. And Y/N, you are the light of my life. You deserve the absolute-" he pauses and you hear him yelling. And then there's a gunshot, three of them to be exact, and the line goes dead. You run out of the bathroom sobbing, barely able to catch a breath. "Pen I need you to track this call right now!" you finally get out. Aaron runs to you, putting his hands on your cheeks. "Baby what's wrong?" he asks worriedly. You look at Spencer, "I just talked to Jason," everyone freezes. "He never answered but he did. H-He told me to tell you he loves you, that he's proud of you." Spencer lets a few tears fall, JJ squeezes his arm. You turn to dave, "He wanted me to thank you for taking care of me, and that he misses all of you." you pause turning to Hotch, "He said he was happy for me, for us." your voice breaks. Aaron hugs you, "What else, why are you so distraught?" You pause, more tears falling, "There were three gunshots before the line went dead." you let out. Spencer turns away from you, "Spence-" Garcia pipes in before you can say anything else. "I've got an address."

The team went in before you, making you and Spencer wait out front. "I'm sorry," you say grabbing his hand. "Y/N you didn't know he would answer, you leave him a voicemail every single day. There's no way you knew you would get to talk to him." He assures you.  JJ comes out to wave you both in. The house was a mess, but there he laid on the floor. It was Jason. "Mama-" Derek starts but you turn to leave pausing when you notice the pictures of you framed on the wall. There was a picture of a lecture you did a few months back, it wasn't the one they published but something Jason must have taken himself. Next to it was a picture of you and Spencer from that father's day weekend. And then you saw what was taped to the wall, pictures of more victims, and a picture of the bag outside your front door. You run outside, leaning over in the grass. Hands-on your knees as you feel bile rising in your throat, nothing coming out. You feel Aaron's hand on your back, rubbing it softly. You stand slowly, falling into his arms. "He killed him. Martin killed Jason," you sob. "I'm gonna kill him, for hurting you and for killing Jason," he says, anger laced in his voice. 

You don't even know Jason's son shows up until he sits next to you on the back deck. "Stephen," you say softly. "Hey kid, how are you doing?" he asks. "Shouldn't I be asking you that?" you ask. He shakes his head, "I know how you two felt about each other, you deserve to be upset." You smile at him. "Did you guys reconnect?" you ask him.  He just nods and the two of you sit there silently for nearly an hour. When Aaron finds you to tell you it's time to go, you both stand. You turn to Stephen, hugging him. "It's good to see you, let me know if there's anything I can do." He nods before leaving you and Hotch on the deck. He wraps his arms around your waist, kissing your head softly. "Let's go home, honey."

On the way to the office your phone rings, you answer already knowing who it's going to be. "Martin," you answer. He laughs, "He wasn't supposed to answer that call you know. You weren't supposed to get a goodbye." You shiver, "Fuck you." The team looks at you shocked. "An attitude like that is gonna get you killed Agent Y/L/N. You should be grateful you go what you did. I'll see you soon." he hangs up. Rossi is the first one to speak, "I, for one, think the kid had every right." you chuckle. "That's because she did," Hotch says looking at you through the mirror. You mouth a quick thank you before looking out the window.


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