26 - Nora's Dream Weekend

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AN: This might be one of the longest chapters I've written for this story. I've added several scenes that weren't in the original plan. I technically could have broken it up into two chapters, but I'm trying to pick up the pace a little bit. We're 26 chapters in and still in April. If I don't pick up the pace this story is going to be 100+ chapters, though some of you guys would probably love that. I don't think it'll be quite that long, but it's got a long way still.

Also, I'm just going to preface that I know nothing about dance. Everything in this chapter is made up for story purposes.

Also, also Happy Halloween for you guys who partake, I know I plan to see how many films and candy corn I can consume in one day. Consider this my Halloween treat to you guys.



April seemed to pass by quickly for Rossi. Before he knew it, they were at the end of the month, which meant Nora's birthday and dance recital. To Nora's excitement and Rossi's stress, they fell on the same day.

Thankfully Penelope had taken over most of the planning; however, the number of errands Rossi had to run was starting to drive him crazy. At some point in the process, Penelope had forgotten it was a relatively small get-together at his house. She decided that everything had to be perfect. To the point, he had been sent to five different stores to find a particular color of green tablecloths that were either out of stock everywhere or didn't exist, to begin with.

Rossi had tried to rein Penelope in several times, but he had ultimately failed. At least he could say, without a doubt, it was going to be the best Lion King-themed birthday party any six-year-old could have ever asked for.

Penelope wasn't the only one driving Rossi slightly mad. Since Nora's birthday and recital were on Friday and her party was on Saturday, Thursday afternoon meant Rossi's house was overrun with additional Rossis. Adelaide had flown in with Poppy and Molly, Nora's favorite cousins so far at her own admission.

Once Rossi had picked Nora up from school, the three girls had gone to Nora's room and had been quiet since. His mother, however, had been following him around the house, asking question after question. If she wasn't asking him questions, she was critiquing his life. Apparently, his house was 'too cold' and 'not very welcoming' despite toys scattered in the den, a refrigerator covered in drawings, and his newest addition of a photo wall in the foyer.

When the doorbell rang at 5:30 that evening, Rossi was more than relieved.

"Come in," Rossi rushed out, moving so Erin and the kids could enter.

Since the girls had their recital Friday, Rossi had moved up their weekly dinner. He was secretly hoping having Erin and the kids over would get his mother off his back. He only slightly felt bad for throwing them into the wolf's den.

"You've looked better," Erin commented.

Rossi shook his head and bit his teeth. "She's driving me crazy."

"She's not that bad."

Rossi raised a brow. "Then you deal with her."

"I will."

Noah and Vivian were trying to hide their laughter; they weren't doing a very good job. However, a voice from further in the house had all three Strauss children standing up straighter with their best polite smiles. "Is that Erin?"

"Yes, ma'am," Erin barely got out before Adelaide entered the room and swept her up in a hug.

"It's been too long, dear."

"It's good to see you too, Adelaide."

Rossi cleared his throat and waited for Adelaide to release Erin. "I see you remember Erin." His mother couldn't remember a single one of his ex-wives, but he wouldn't be surprised if she knew Erin's blood type. "These are her kids: Alysa, Noah, and Vivian."

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