7 - Team Dinner

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AN: I don't actually know how happy I am with this chapter, but if I keep fiddling with it it'll never get done. It was originally going to be longer but I deleted the scene with them cooking because I didn't quite know how to write it, but I did length a Garcia and Nora scene that I think is sweet and really needed. I also chopped the end off because I liked an earlier bit as the stopping point better. A variant of the part I chopped off; however, will be were we pick up next chapter.



Rossi woke up with a start. The night before he'd once again stayed up in his office going over the photo album. Less exhausted, his dreams had been filled with the images of Nora and his daughter. Eventually they had morphed into darkness as he dreamt of his daughter's death over and over. Having been on the job for years he'd seen the many ways one could meet an untimely death, and he'd dreamt of his daughter's death in too many scenarios. To say it hadn't been a restful night would have been an under statement.

Still Rossi sat up, closed his eyes, and took a deep breath to steady his racing heart. Today was going to be a good day. He was going to spend the day teaching Nora how to cook, and his team was coming for a nice family dinner. It was going to be a good day.

Rossi swung his legs over the edge of the bed and slid his slippers on. He stood up and ran a hand through his graying hair as he walked to his closet. It was going to be a good day.

Rossi got dressed slowly, savoring the early morning quiet. As he did, he was mentally going through the list of things that needed to be done that day: get Nora up, cook dinner, clean up around the house, and message the team. Once he was dressed Rossi walked back over to his bed and sat down. He sent a message to the team reminding them of the dinner and what time to come. That was one thing off his list. It was going to be a good day.

Rossi made his way to Nora's room. This time he didn't almost trip over Mudgie for he was laying at Nora's feet. Rossi was surprised to see Nora was already up. He paused; however, when he realized she was talking to herself. He couldn't understand what she was saying, but he did catch the words mom and bunny. That was enough to let him guess she wasn't talking to herself but to her mother. It was bittersweet hearing the inflation of Nora's voice as she was obviously at an exciting part of her story. He waited until she was quiet before making his presence known. "Good morning."

Nora jumped, turning around to see who it was. When she saw Rossi standing at the door she gave him a small smile and wave. "Sorry to interrupt, but we have a long day ahead of us. I'm going to start breakfast, and you can join once you get dressed."

Nora stood up walking to her closet; Mudgie trailing after her. Rossi turned back around to leave. It was going to be a good day because he had Nora, and she needed him.


They were seated in the den after breakfast as Nora colored and Rossi looked over files. "I was thinking we could start dinner after lunch. I was hoping you would want to help. Would that be something you're interested in?"

Nora nodded; her focus not leaving her drawing.

Rossi leaned forward to catch a glimpse of her picture. "That's a good picture."

Nora smiled. "Merci (Thank you)."

"Prego (You're welcome)."

Rossi returned to his files. He was quickly remembering his self diagnosed allergy to paperwork, but it was as close to work as he could get.


Nora had taken to exploring the house while Rossi checked on dinner. He had just placed the lid back on the pot when the door bell rang. He wasn't surprised when he was met with Penelope holding several bags. "Before you say anything, it's not actually that much."

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