16 - The Dance Class

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AN: So kind of a filler chapter. Nothing too exciting; however, school starts next chapters, so yeah! As always, I love hearing all your guys' feedback. I already love working on this story, but hearing how much you guys love reading it makes it so much better.

Not related to the story, but does any else listen to Fleetwood Mac or Stevie Nicks? Because like I need someone else to freak out with me about how good Stevie's new song is.



Penelope pulled out the supply list, already marking off the first two items as Rossi grabbed a shopping cart. "We haven't even started yet."

Penelope smiled. Sometimes he really underestimated her. "We ordered her backpack and lunchbox the other day at lunch. It should be here this afternoon."

Nore looked up at him nodding. "Lions."

"Of course," Rossi said with a smile. "What's first then since you have this all figured out?"

"Pencils and a pencil case," Penelope said, taking Nora's hand and leading them to the back of the store, leaving Rossi to push the shopping cart.

Reaching the back of the store, Nora seemed very intrigued by all the school and office supplies. Rossi bet it was the endless options to the five-year-old that grabbed her attention, which he had forgotten was a problem. Everything was heavily debated. Penelope handled that while Rossi grabbed the things that didn't have options like glue and markers.

Rossi was sure it was an hour later when he saw Penelope mark something off towards the bottom of the list. "Is that everything?"

"Of school supplies, yes," Penelope said. "Now, we need to get her uniform stuff."

Rossi nodded before turning the shopping cart around and heading towards clothes. "The principal said to get a few extra shirts than what I thought she would need so I could send them in to get embordered and then the others when the first ones got back. He also said not to worry about the blazer or cardigan unless I thought she would need them."

"Sounds good," Penelope said before looking down at Nora. "Do you want shorts, pants, skirts, or dresses? Or you can get a combination."

"Skirts and dresses," Nora replied before adding an afterthought, "two shorts."

Rossi wasn't surprised. The majority of Nora's wardrobe was dresses, and he was pretty sure she owned three long pairs of pants at the max.

Soon several white polo shirts and lots of kaki had joined the pile of school supplies in the shopping cart. Rossi had thrown in a navy cardigan just in case of a late cold front. Plus, he was sure she would need it next year anyway. It didn't occur to him that young kids grow out of clothes within months. "Does she have any tights?" Penelope asked, making a few more marks on their list as they walked towards the sock and shoes.

Rossi looked puzzled. "Tights?"

Penelope shook her head. "I'll take that as a no. On days it's a little cooler, she might want some, so we'll add a few to the mix."

So Penelope added two pairs of tights and several navy knee-high socks to the cart. "What else is there?"

Penelope didn't even have to look down at the list. "Shoes and bows."

"Bows?" Rossi asked. "That's not part of the uniform."

"No, but it is allowed. I checked. Just think how cute she'll be in her little uniform and bows in her hair," Penelope beamed down at Nora and gently nudged her side. "You want bows, right?"

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