4 - A Day Around the House

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AN: This is my Christmas present to you guys so I hope you enjoy. It's nothing to exciting but it does help set up the next few chapters.


Very Early Wednesday Morning

Rossi groaned as a small foot connected with his ribs. He barely cracked his eyes to find Nora crawling on the bed. She paused when she noticed he was awake. He brushed a piece of hair out of her face. "Good morning. What do I owe this wake up call to?"

"Mama," Nora replied sadly.

Rossi sat up pulling the girl in his lap. "You miss her?"

Nora nodded laying her head on his chest. Rossi was at a loss of what to do. He didn't know if she understood her mom was dead or if to her she was just gone on a trip. He also held no stories to remind her of good memories with her mother. "I know you miss her, but you still have a bunch of memories of doing things together. Think of all the fun times you had together."

Nora closed her eyes and nussled her head further into his chest. Rossi continued to rub soothing circles on her back until she was sound asleep. It wasn't long before he too had fallen back to sleep.


The second time Rossi woke up it was to the shrill ringing of his cellphone. He used the hand not holding Nora to reach for the phone. He was quick answer it before it woke up Nora. "Agent Rossi speaking."

"I did some digging like you asked."

"And what did you find, Garcia?"

"Well I didn't have a whole lot to gone on, but I eventually found a promising lead. I had to go in deep. Most hackers wouldn't have been able to do it, but I'm not most hackers. I finally got down to what I thought was the file and my whole system went down. I spent all night getting back into my system and when I did the file was gone. I'm sorry Rossi, but whoever did this most definitely doesn't want Nora's identity revealed."

Rossi sighed. "I understand. Thank you for trying Garcia."

"Sorry I couldn't be of much help."

"Still, thank you anyway."

Rossi had just set his phone back on the nightstand when it started ringing again. With a huff he answered it. Why all the sudden he was Mr. Popular he didn't know. "Agent Rossi speaking."

"No more digging. Do you understand me? For the safety of everyone involved no more digging."

"What-" Whoever it was hung up before Rossi could reply. Though if had to guess he was sure it was the same man that had left Nora in his care. Glancing at the clock Rossi decided he might as well get up. He moved Nora to beside him; glad she stayed a sleep. He then got up to get a shower and cook breakfast.


Rossi decided to make omalets for breakfast; something easy. When he went to get Nora up a part of him wanted to leave her be. Since his departure she had stretched out like a starfish; Simba dangerously hung off the edge of the bed by his foot. As much as he wanted to let her sleep, he knew she needed to get up and eat while breakfast was still warm.

Moving towards the bed Rossi laid his hand on her back and gently shook it. "It's time to get up."

Nora mumbled something in French, even if he spoke French, Rossi wouldn't have been able to make out. He tried again growing more persistent. "You don't want your food to get cold."

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