1 - Rossi's Surprise Visitor

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AN: If you are new I want to welcome you. If you have read some of my other work I want to thank you for giving this one a shot too. For those who enjoyed Past, Present, Parenthood and Midfall this has a similar feel. At least I think it does. This one's title is also inspired by a song. I hope you enjoy.


UPDATE: For those wondering why I have started another story when I have so many unfinished ones already here's my best answer. I don't like forcing myself to write when I'm not inspired. Some stories will be put on an official hiatus meaning it will be a while before they are updated as I'm not working on them. Others I'm working on, but not forcing it. So updates will happen it'll just be unpredictable. I'm posting this story so I'll have at least a couple that are regular updated. Currently it'll be this story and Past, Present, Parenthood. Thank you guys for being patient.


Disclaimer: I do not own Criminal Minds, Lion King, or any of the songs mentioned. I apologize for any mistakes in the French. I used google and we know google can be wrong sometimes.


Background: Gideon left before Elle and Rossi replaced him. Elle is still on the team and Emily never joined.


March; Monday

Monday morning found the BAU team doing paperwork after four long cases back-to-back. Only an emergency would be taking them out of the office that week. This and the neither cold nor hot weather was very welcomed by the team's members. They were set up for a week of normal, but normal and the BAU never go together.

It was still early, before lunch, when all eyes were drawn to the glass doors leading into the bullpen. A mysterious man entered with a young child on his hip and a pink bookbag slung over his shoulder. The man had dirty blonde hair that was perfectly styled in a spiked do but had less manicured facial hair. The eyes that scanned the room were a cold grey/blue. His attire's palette was dark, adding to his mystery, and included a scarf and leather jacket. The child clung to him with her head buried in his shoulder.

Elle was the first to stand and speak, "How may we help you?"

"I need to speak to Agent Rossi?" The man asked revealing a British accent.

"Name?" Morgan requested as he too stood up.

The man let out a little huff causing the child to tighten her grip on the collar of his jacket. "That's not important." He readjusted the child on his hip. "I would prefer to not wait all day."

Morgan, Elle, and Reid had a silent conversation with each other. They decided that getting Rossi was inevitable and Elle left to get him. "While Agent Greenway is getting Agent Rossi is there anything else I can do for you?" Morgan asked.

The child is the man's arms looked up to him with hopeful eyes. "Je veux maman (I want mommy)."

"Not now," The man hushed. He shook his head. "No, all I need is to speak to Agent Rossi."

Rossi and Elle walked down the stairs. "How may I help you."

"Agent Rossi is there anywhere to talk in private?"

"We can speak in my office," Rossi replied.

The unnamed man and child followed Rossi back to his office. He shut the door behind him and placed the child on her own two feet without a word. Rossi took the opportunity to take in the young child now standing in his office. He didn't know much about children but estimated she was around five years of age. Her hair was almost jet black and pulled into a messy bun. It seemed the man's skill at doing his own hair did not translate to doing that of the child's. Her eyes were wide and an odd blue; however, different from those of the unnamed man. She was wearing a long-sleeved black dress that fell to her knees with dark green rain boots. Rossi also noticed a silver heart-shaped locket around her neck.

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