Ranger x hurt reader

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You were just walking down the steps and you fell. You made a loud thud Rio heard the noise and went to investigate because they didn't have anything better to do. They saw you collapsed at the end of the steps on the ground with a crimson liquid leaking from your head. The two of you were best friends for a while so Rio knew about you being a human. They were horrified and didn't know what to do. Their legs wouldn't move. they wanted to go get Stafalin but they couldn't leave you alone. They finally managed to run to get Stafalin. "Hey, bastard! Y/n is gonna die! Get over here now!" Rio said bolting into the medical office. Stafalin ran after Rio because she wasn't sure she heard him right. They made it to the stairs at the vending machine. She immediately began to bandage the wound on your head to stop the bleeding. You were still fully awake but she believed that you fainted due to blood loss. You could barely see but you knew it was Stafalin because of the amount green. You could make out a short blob moving around panicked who you guessed was Rio. If you asked them about it they would shove a hand in your face and tell you to shut up. You suddenly felt warmth around you you slightly moved your head to see Stafalin picking you up. Your sudden moment scared Rio and Stafalin. "You're okay!" Rio said hugging you as best they could. "Huh, what happened? Why am I being carried?' you asked quietly. "You fell down the stairs... and hurt yourself badly so I'm carrying you." she replied. You nodded to her response. Stafalin finally made it to the medical office with you in her arms and Rio walking beside her. She was extremely gentle when setting you down on the couch. Stafalin kept looking for the blood bags with the same blood type as you. Rio kept asking if you need anything. When you said you wanted water Rio ran at top speeds. You found the worried side of them cute. Even though they can be a bit rude at times but they really do love you and Stafalin. They came back with a cup of water and sat it down panting. Rio gently picked up the glass and put it to your lips. You drank the water then they sat it down. You sat up and Rio gently sat down on the couch next to you. Stafalin had finally found the blood bag. "I'm sorry for taking so long.." she said as she prepped the iv with blood. Everything was still blurry so you jumped a little when the iv was put into your arm. This causing Rio to worry even more. "If ya hurt Y/n again I'll kill ya, you bastard!" Rio growled at Stafalin. "I'm sorry!" she apologized.

Time skip

You fell asleep on the medical room couch and you were carried to your room by Stafalin. Rio refused to leave your room and sat on the floor near your bed. You woke up to them crawling into your bed and softly hugging you. You slightly awed at the small orange-haired enby hugging you. They were always so mean to you and everybody you sometimes thought they didn't care. They felt you move and held onto you a little tighter. The two of you ended up sleeping together for the rest of the night.

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