Enemies to lovers w/ Keiji

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Something about Keiji rubbed you the wrong way. You thought of him as a no-good pervert. He did through a few compliments your way but you glared at him. Something about you deeply intrigued him even though you hated him.

He kept trying to get you like him. He wondered why you resented him and how he could change your perception of him. You and Keiji slowly became closer but you still didn't like or trust him. Keiji asked you what you thought of him and you answered what you truly thought of him.

He believed you were joking around and told you to tell him what you truly thought of him. You replied with the same thing. Keiji was slightly surprised all the hard work he did to make you like him didn't work.

Keiji kept being nice to you and you unknowingly fell for him. He had fallen for you very hard. You didn't hate him as much and you began to subconsciously want to be around him. Sara would tease you about having a crush on him even though you didn't.

You slowly realized your feelings for the ex-policeman. You hated the man for a while and he made you fall for him. You were clueless on how to confess. You ended up decided being blunt with how you felt. Keiji told you he felt the same way about you from the day the two of you met.

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