IWDTLY (A Draco Malfoy Love Story) ... 6

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 So you wanna know in an Author’s Note: Ciao, my readers! What am I doing you may ask! Why, I’m eating a chocolate cookie of course! Anyway, I have a question for you guys, how in the monkey butts do you put pictures over there in the side? ‘Cause eventually I might want to put a picture, but I don’t know how. *sigh* Also, I don’t have school tomorrow because the juniors are taking ACT, and my school is hosting it, so I might post tomorrow. Key word being “might.” Thanks so much for liking the last chappie ‘cause I was worried people wouldn’t like it.

I Was Dared to Love You (A Draco Malfoy Love Story)

Chapter 6: Big Uh-Oh

----------| Draco’s POV |----------

            She stuttered and blushed until I couldn’t help but sigh and wish this was over. On the outside I’m quite positive I looked indifferent about it all, but these questions made me itch and jitter. It was quite annoying. Giving a false Malfoy Smirk as best I could, I said, “Way to get those ten questions out, Jesperson,” in the most sarcastic voice I could muster.

            Her face flushed to the roots and I was tempted to point it out when she snapped back, “Shut it, Malfoy.” She began to strut to her seat when McGonagall stopped her.

            “Aren’t you going to wait for Mr. Malfoy to ask you his questions?” came her timid question.

            Jesperson whipped herself around, her face was positively apple red and she sputtered and pointed at me. Giving a smirk, I prepared myself to ask the first question on the list. Inside I was freaking. I didn’t want to know when this mudblood started her … what’s it called? Period. That’s it. Her period. Giving a mental shudder, I began to read off the question. In the middle of asking, though, Snape snatched the parchment from my hands. I glared up at him.

            He smirked and said, “I do believe class has finished.”

----------| Violet’s POV |----------

            Victory! I was literally sweating waterfalls when I thought Malfoy would have to ask me those questions. For once I actually respected Snape for being punctually about everything.

            Grabbing my stuff before Malfoy could butt in with another remark about wet-dreams and his dick (excuse my French), I bustled out of the class. I caught up with Hermione, who was attempting to burrow in the Library.

            “Hermione Granger! You get you’re skinny tushie back here! I’ve got things to say to you!” I chased her down the corridor to the library. Along the way there we got comments and stares. Some I waved to, and others, who were saying rather rude things, I flipped off with a smile.

            The doorway to the Library was clear and the aisles were empty. There was only one place Hermione would bother to hide. I stalked over to the certain row and saw her hunched in the corner.

            “Sorry, sorry, sorry,” she quickly squeaked. “Mutual Friends remember? Step Two?”

            “The plan, really Hermione?” I snapped at her. Of all reasons for her to force me into a situation like that, she thought only of the plan? Just as I was going to snap at her for my utter humiliation in front of Malfoy and the other Slytherins, Hermione hid her face behind her book and pointed oh-so-subtly behind me.

            Aw shit.

            “What plan?” came a too familiar voice.

            Draco This-Shit-Always-Happens-To-Me Malfoy.

            Just grand.


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Love and fireworks,


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