IWDTLY (A Draco Malfoy Love Story) ... 23

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Blast from the past from a should-be-depressed Author: Why should I be depressed, you may be asking? ‘Cause I lost two fans in under 24 hours, of course! But, I’m far from depressed because I just thought up the one thing that prevented me from writing this chapter: a name! Woo! Too bad that character isn’t mention until the next chappie. It’s been bugging me for over a zillion years but hence, I thought of one.

I Was Dared to Love You (A Draco Malfoy Love Story)

Chapter 23: Across the Pond

            To my utter, immeasurable humiliation, Draco agreed to come with me. To my house. Of all things his muggle despising family should prevent him from doing, it’s go to a muggle girl’s house for Christmas Break. But no, he was somehow able to convince his father and mother that I was a suitable person. And by suitable, I mean a pureblood Slytherin that was worthy of them. How, I am yet to figure out, but that’s not what’s bothering me at the moment. Nay, it’s the fact that he got the window seat on the plane. I had booked that seat eons ago and Draco somehow ended up being the one to sit there.

            Draco had never ridden in a plane, which I found quite impossible but he was sure that this would be his first time. In both a plane and in America. So there he was, in all his blonde headed glory, basking in the sight of ants and toy cars. The sight I had been waiting all flippin’ year to see again. We had yet to get out of England sights and he would soon be bored with the viewings of the big Pond. A sight I had been wanted to get bored of.

            “What are you doing?” he asked curiously as I slipped in a pair of earplugs.

            Giving him the look of ‘are you completely stupid?’, I try not to laugh at his childishness. “I’m going to listen to my iPod, of course. You wanna listen, too?” At his confused expression, I take it as a no and continue plugging my ears. A sudden yanking in one ear causes me to yelp, an awfully loud yelp (Snoring Maggi and Toothpick Jane look over, is how I know), of pain. Draco had yanked at the cord on accident. “Watch it!”

            And that’s basically how the plane ride went.

            I couldn’t wait to get home.

----------| Draco’s POV |-----------

            Planes are weird, but airports have this weird factor that goes beyond the weirdness of the airplane. People bustle, hustle, curse, shove, poke, and grope. All while getting you’re baggage. The rest of the time is mostly hustle and grope. I made an exception for the cute five year old who subsequently stole my wallet as she was ‘bumped’ into me, but the fifty year old man who stole my grope virginity as he eye raped and brushed up against me four times was a bit of a bad wake up call.

            After asking Violet what the hell people were touching me for, she just laughed and claimed my citrus pheromones were calling out to them. Whatever the hell that meant.

            After baggage claim and another plane ride, I was ready to Avada Kedavra whoever thought of the word ‘awkward’ because that one word could some up the entire adventure into the muggle world. I’d gotten over the toy cars that were zooming on realistic tracks, Violet’s i-music-blasting-my-ear listening device, the love tale moving picture that had been playing on the other plane, and even the large sweaty man I had to sit next to, but in all honesty, muggles were strange. And that’s being nice.

            And then my mind zooms into what Violet’s home life could be like. Nothing like mine, of course. She probably had a few brothers and/or sisters, a mother, a father. Nice folk to love her or something. I wonder if she had a boyfriend, a muggle boyfriend, before me? Eleven years without knowing you were a witch … something had to have happened in that time.

            I just hope I find those things out.


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Love and fireworks,


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