IWDTLY (A Draco Malfoy Love Story) ... 15 -Part 3-

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That perky bitch that just has to laugh at your lame jokes is writing an Author’s Note: *sips non-existent coffee*spills non-existent coffee on lap* “Hot dammit!” I actually hate coffee so notice that it’s “non-existent.” I feel very accomplished. My story has over 4,000 reads but I’m far from having a finished final copy story. It’s frustrating ‘cause I’ll have to go back and edit eventually. Editing is boring. It truly, honestly isn’t fun unless the story is like four years old and really needs some updating. You will seriously hate Ronald Weasley after this chappie.

I Was Dared to Love You (A Draco Malfoy Love Story)

Chapter 15: It Was All a Dare

-Part 3-: Ron, I Want to Kill You

            Damn, I want to dance. Dancing is bliss. To dance is to lose control, and I love to lose control. To just forget for a little while and not care about that First Year Slytherin prick who mentioned my masturbating habits last night. Or that First Year that yelled “Ass-cheek checker!” as Hermione, Ginny, and I were running downstairs to the Great Hall. Dancing was my happiness. Speaking of Ginny and Hermione, they sort of threw me under the bus and then ditched me. They were over on the other side of the dance floor waiting for the first formal dance to begin.

            It was tradition for there to be a first formal dance. One where everyone had to at least dance appropriately with their date. It was to initiate both the actual beginning of the Winter Ball and for those poor souls that probably wouldn’t get a dance without it. I loved the first formal dance. It was special; everyone was together for once. No fighting, just dancing. And damn do I love to dance. The ceiling dimmed into an eerie yet soothing starry skyline and I couldn’t help but stare for a moment not believing that magic could do something so beautiful. I look to the dance floor when I hear the classical music begin to play and see that everyone was separate for the first set of couples.

            The Head Boy and Girl take their dates out and begin to dance the practiced dance to the music. The long dining tables had been removed for space and only a few sets of tables were around. Lots of boys were already sitting down, deciding to ignore their dates. How I wanted to punch their balls into their intestines.

            A few more brave souls, including Ginny and Harry, go out and begin to dance too. Glancing up, I find Dr—Malfoy swaying back and forth to the beat but occasionally catching himself from actually full blown grooving to the classic music. Hesitantly, I tap his shoulder. He went pin straight as if he’d been caught in the act. “Hey, Draco? You wanna dance … with me?” The last part was from nerves. I mean what if he said yes then went to find someone prettier to dance with? And don’t even get me started on the ‘Draco’ part. Let’s just say I’m a sucker for a guy in a tux.

            And blondes.

---------| Luna’s POV |----------

            I skipped away from Draco as he started to pace again. A few moments ago, I noticed his distress as he waited for his date. Poor lover. If only he had realized so long ago that Violet liked him. She had tried for years to get him to notice that she wasn’t just some random mudblood that could stand a torment or two. The spells and charms Violet had tried on her skin, make-up, and hair didn’t fly by my attention. Violet had been trying since the first day she met Draco.

            “What were you doing talking to Malfoy, Luna?” Neville asked politely, not jealous at all. I smiled up at him in his best suit and just pulled him into the Great Hall.

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