Clearing some shiz, duh ...

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Let’s Clear Some Shiz Up Shall We?:

1~ It was an ANATOMY and PHYSIOLOGY class, people; get it straight. It was not, under any circumstance, a HEALTH class. The characters commented on how it was going to be similar to a health class, but never, ever, ever, ever, said it WAS. I wrote it that way for the younger readers to have a grip on exactly what was going down and why. Health is where you learn about condoms, vaginas, penises, and STDs, right? In the story they talked about and learned the functions and timeline of such events as puberty. They are similar, but when you are older, you can talk so much more in depth and - compare is a shitty word for it but whatever - compare your body to your peers. That was the whole point of the questionnaire and having Anatomy class with the opposite gender. Get it now? Good because I swear, I’m going to explode if I read another, “We never had to do that in my health class!” comment again. As much as I love comments such as those (it’s a sign that you respect me enough to say something), they annoy me because it makes me realize my point isn't completely coming across the correct way.

2~ I don’t post pictures relevant to the story, sorry. My descriptions, though not always the best, are what I use as visuals. As for Violet’s dresses and Draco’s face, I’m sorry. As a writer, I don’t go off movie production and visual representation. It’s difficult as a writer to find my exact image that I had formed in my head while getting the exact match of what you as a reader saw in your head. In my mind, it would destroy what I had accomplished in description and words. Please respect this and cease to ask for pictures.

3~ I’ve been more busy than you will ever believe and haven’t had much writing time. Don’t go thinking what I know you’re going to be thinking! “But you had time to write this load of poo!” Yeah well, shut up. Also, I’d like to warn you, the end it so much nearer than you think. And I’m serious here. It’s closer than close. But also, when my story reaches a high of 100,000 reads (which is my all-time goal), I’ll be posting—hopefully—an epilogue. I plan to finish the story before reaching said goal, but we’ll see when I get there, won’t we?

Thanks for reading (if you did) and I’m sorry if I came across as a whiny bitch, but let’s face it, I needed to vent and explain my views.

One quick question, and please do answer: What is your favorite chapter? 5? 15? 20? Mine is between 5 and 15 -Part 1- ….

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