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Brittany stood still in the doorway a she saw Santana. The Latina was notably paler than normal, she was bandaged up on her left arm where iv tubes and other wires attached to, but she still looked perfect to Brittany.

She stood still as she watched Luis slowly approach his sister. It made Brittany think back to when she was six, the way she had approached her mother. The same slow walk, the same worry, everything being the same. It saddened her.

She reminded herself to tell Santana how she really feels about her as soon as she got the chance to.

The blonde sat down on the small couch the room had in it, shifting slightly to get a little more comfortable. Luis ran his fingers through his hair a few times, immediately turning towards the door when he heard it open. Brittany could tell by the look on his face that he wasn't pleased to see whoever was standing at the door.

A man who look very much like Luis stood there, wearing a doctors coat over a light blue polo. Next to him was a blonde woman who was slightly smaller than him. She guessed that the man was their father.

"What are you doing here?" Luis spat in anger, facing towards them, glaring at them with as much hate as he possible could.

"A few of my colleagues told me that my daughter was in the hospital. Why didn't you call me?" The man spoke with a deep Spanish accent.

"As if I would actually let you near my sister."

"Shes still my daughter, I have a right to know."

"Why do you even care?! You left us alone to go be with that thing!" He yelled, pointing at the woman next to his father.


"You left us when we needed you the most! You didn't even say goodbye! Shows how much you care. And don't tell me that you do cause I don't wanna hear anymore bullshit coming from you!" Luis cut his father off, stepping towards them.

"Did you really think I was gonna stay in that home knowing my son is a sin? How selfish of you to think I was gonna stick around. I only came here because I wanted Santana to know that when she gets out that she's coming to live with me so she won't have to be around you any longer!"

"You're not taking her anywhere! You're not even fit to be a father, let alone a person. I am not gonna allow you to move my sister halfway across the state just because you don't want her to 'suffer'. " the two men where now standing face to face, with Luis being slightly taller. Brittany took this as a sign to quietly leave the room as soon as possible.

On the way out, the blonde nearly ran into a boy holding flowers and a small teddy bear in his hands. He look familiar, but she couldn't recall where she had seen him before.

"I'm so sorry!" She apologized immediately, realizing that somehow she ended up on the floor. He lightly clucked before sitting the flowers and toy on a chair. He held out his hand to her, helping her up off the floor.

"It's no big deal really, but you seemed to really wanna get out of that room. Something happen in there?" He smiled at her, though she could hear a hint of worry in his voice as he talked.

"Oh, yeah, it's just that a..." She struggled to think of what to say. "Unpleasant family reunion is going on. I thought that giving them some space would be a good idea."

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