The Date

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Brittany held Santana's hand as she guided the girl towards the school. They were having a conversation about the last episode in Once Upon A Time, when Santana stopped suddenly.

"What's wrong?" Brittany asked, suddenly worried.

"Nothing, I just wanna know where you're taking me." Santana said while smiling.

"That, Sanny, is something you'll have to wait to know."

"Britt, that didn't make any sense."

"Whatever, you know what I meant." 

Santana rolled her eyes, but smiled anyways. Being around Brittany made her happy, and now that she was finally out of that dreaded hospital, Brittany and her could finally go out on a date. She tried to get the blonde girl to tell her what she was planning, but the other girl insisted on keeping it a secret.

Just when the Latina was about to ask her again, Brittany picked her up and started running across the football field.

"Britt! What are you doing?!" Santana yelled out, laughing as Brittany carried her.

"What does it look like I'm doing? I'm carrying you! For someone so smart you aren't that bright when it comes to what's going on." 

"But why? I don't see why I can't-" she stopped talking when she saw where Brittany had carried her to. It was the tree where they had watched the sunset about a month back, but there was a difference. A blanket was laid out in front if the tree, a small radio set on the side, and a basket in the middle. The sun was just barely setting, making the small area look absolutely amazing to the Latina.

"Mercedes, Tina and Rachel helped out. I wanted it to be casual, but special so..." Brittany trailed off as Santana slowly got back onto the ground.

"It's lovely, Britt." She said, placing a kiss on the blondes cheek. Brittany smiled and lead Santana over to the blanket, sitting down and turning on the radio. She mentioned Santana to sit next to her before opening the basket.

Santana rested her head on Brittany's shoulder, listening to the song playing on the radio. She started humming along, feeling the cheerleader pull her up as they started to dance. She wrapped her arms around the smaller girls waist, smiling when she felt the Latina rest her in the crook of her neck.

"This is nice." Santana mumbled, softly giggling when Brittany pulled her closer.

"Not half as nice as you." Was the response she got.

"Stop lying! You know that's not true."

Brittany stopped dancing and looked at Santana with the most serious face that Santana has ever seen on the other girl.

"Santana, you are the most beautiful person I have ever met. No matter what everyone else thinks or says, I will tell you that everyday if it will make you feel just a little bit beautiful." 

Santana's cheeks redden as she looked at the ground, softly mumbling a thank you to the cheerleader. She felt the other girl pull away, taking her hand and leading her back to the blanket. It was now getting dark, and both girls where just laying next to each other.

"Remember when I said you had a thing for my hand?" Brittany suddenly asked, turning to face Santana.

"Yeah, why?"

"Well, I only bring it up because you've been playing with it for the last five minutes."

Santana giggled, letting go of Brittany's hand before whispering into her ear, "Wanky," and laughing harder. Brittany rolled her eyes.

"Its gonna be dark soon, B."

"I brought candles, we can light them if you want, but I think the moonlight will be enough."

"I was just wondering how long we were gonna be out here."

"Are you saying that this is a bad date?"

"No, this is wonderful, but if we stay out past midnight Luis and Axel will have sex, and I do not want to be awake for that again."

"Tell you what, you can stay at my place tonight so they can have their alone time and we can have ours."

Santana looked into Brittany's eyes.

"Are you saying-"

"I'm saying whatever you want me too."

The Latina smirked, leaning closer to the blonde.

"Then what are we waiting for?"



Sorry for the late and short update, im working on it, but school starts on monday and i havent finished my summer homework....and its due on the first day...

hey, if i die on monday will you guys make sure somebody finshes this story?


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