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        Glee club, again. Tina had filled Santana and Rachel in about what happened after they left. Apparently, Mr.Shue decided to hold auditions for solo's, duets and other stuff Santana was to lazy to pay attention too. She heard Rachel scoff at that.

"Great, we all can audition for a part that he's gonna end up giving to Quinn and Finn." The Jewish girl stated bitterly. The Latina shook her head as Mr.Shue came into the room, telling everyone to sit down. The three girls sat down in the back row as their teacher explained he expected for the auditions. 

"Can he get anymore boring?" Santana muttered loud enough for Tina to hear. The Asian girl let out a small giggle.

"Something funny Tina?" Finn asked, interrupting Mr.Shue, glaring at Santana and her.

"Yeah, Santana here was just telling me about how much you look like the pillsbury dough boy. Now can you pay attention to what Mr.Shuester is saying?" Tina spat in a harsh tone. Santana was impressed. Surely, she always thought Finn did look like the pillsbury dough boy, but she didn't think anyone would have the same opinion.

"That is just like lezpez, insulting other people because she thinks she's cool enough too." Quinn barked, standing up for her boyfriend. 

"Stay out of this Fabgay. You think you're so special, but actually you're just a stuck-up bitch." Santana stated, surprising everyone. Normally she would've stayed quiet, but she decided that she's been silent for too long.

"You wish that I was a lesbian so you can tap this." Why the hell hasn't Mr.Shue put an end to this argument? Lazy ass teacher, she thought.

"I don't mean to be mean, well yeah, actually I do, but even if you were I wouldn't do a whore like you."  That sent the blonde over the edge. She jumped up to attack the Latina, but before she could even touch her someone had stopped her.

"Quinn! Coach Sylvester wants you. She isn't happy." Santana looked up and saw Brittany standing in the doorway. 

The second time Brittany has technically saved her from getting attacked. Quinn growled but left the room anyways, glaring at Tina and Santana in the process. Brittany slightly smiled at Santana before walking after the other blonde.

"Wow Santana, didn't know you had it in you." Sam commented. 

"Wow Samantha, didn't know that you knew my first name." She exclaimed sarcastically. The boy frowned before muttering an apology. Mr.Shue cleared his throat.

"Okay, thank you Santana. Now as I was saying, auditions are on Monday, so be prepared." The bell rang, signaling that it was now lunch time.

"Santana, stay back for a minute." Mr.Shuester called, not taking his eyes off of some paper he held in his hands. Tina mouthed something about wanting to talk with her later, so she nodded before taking a seat in the middle row.

"Is something bothering you? You're attitude has been terrible these last few days." He said the second everyone was out of the choir room.

"Why do you care?" Santana countered, staring down at her nails. She needed to repaint them soon.

"I always care, I care for everyone in this room."

"Clearly not enough, you've ignored Rachel and I ever since the blonde bitch and her fetus faced boyfriend joined, you don't care about anybody's opinion but theirs, you've let everyone in this room call me Lezpez ever since I came out and to top it all off, you let Fabray abuse me, verbally and physically." Santana stood up, not waiting for a response as she left the room. She walked quickly to the lunch room, spotting Rachel, Tina and Mercedes and walking over to their table.

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