Another Lesson

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        "So, how was tutoring Ms.Cheer-Captain yesterday?" Rachel said as Santana walked into the choir room. The Latina shrugged before getting shoved by Quinn.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't see you there." The blonde spat sarcastically before taking her seat next to Finn. Santana groaned and took her seat next to Rachel. Mr.Shuester walked in and started writing on the white board. Santana groaned again. She looked over at Rachel, who was also very annoyed.

"Okay guys! Sectionals is in 3 weeks! Any ideas for our set list?" Mr.Shue asked. Santana raised her hand.

"Anybody at all?" Mr.Shue asked again, either not seeing the Latina or ignoring her. Santana put her hand down, listening to Finn and Quinn name songs that they wanna do. 

"Excuse me Mr.Shue? Not to be mean to Finn and Quinn, but can we not have them get the duets and solos for sectionals?" Tina said, others being quick to agree with her. 

"Why? Finn and Quinn are great singers." 

"Oh, I don't know, maybe because ever since they joined, nobody else has gotten a chance to sing anything. All we've done is sway in the background." Santana yelled out, wondering if anyone would actually pay attention to her.

"Santana is right! Everyone else in here has a great voice, but you've silenced us all!" Mercedes joined the conversation. It didn't take long for all of the other members to join in. Rachel got up and pulled Santana out of the room, not being noticed by anyone that they had left. 

"It's about damn time someone has put Shuester in his place." Rachel muttered. "Anyways, let's ditch the rest of glee. I'll just ask Kurt about what happened." Santana nodded before the two girls went their own way.


 Once again Santana found herself in the auditorium, playing the piano and singing along. She was too caught up on singing the right lyrics to notice that someone had entered the room. It wasn't until she was finished that she heard the door close loudly, causing the Latina to jump. Was she really that bad? More importantly, who saw her singing?


Brittany stood in the back of the auditorium and watched in awe as she saw Santana sing. She couldn't help but think that Santana had an amazing voice. The blonde continued to listen, feeling her phone vibrate as the song came to an end. 

Quinn: Coach Sylvester wants you in her office

Sighing, she walked over to the doors, looked at Santana one more time before quietly living the room. Practically running to the cheer coach's office, she was surprised to find that Quinn and a few other cheerios were in there as well.

"Brittany, so glad you could join us." Coach Sylvester said in a harsh tone. Brittany swallowed before closing the door. Quinn had her lips pressed together tight, and the other cheerios just looked scared. " I bet your all wondering why you're in here. It's because you all have the lowest grades out of the entire squad!" Coach yelled at all of them. Brittany slightly flinched, but showed no emotion about it.

"Brittany, if you want to continue to be captain, you better get your grades up! It's unacceptable for you to be failing." Brittany nodded before being dismissed. She felt bad for Quinn, who was probably gonna get yelled at the most because she has the worst grades ever, as she made her way to the library. She looked around to see if Santana was there yet, and surely enough, the Latina was sitting at a table, reading a book.

"Hey." Brittany said as she took a seat across from her. Santana looked up and shut her book, setting it aside as she greeted the blonde.

"Whatchya readin'?"

"Oh, some book that Rachel gave me. It was okay until I found out why she gave it to me."

"Why did she give it to you?"

"It's a romance novel about 2 girls."

"That bothers you?"

"You ask alot of questions."

"I wanna know more 'bout you." Santana rolled her eyes playfully before getting her math books out. "So what are you gonna teach me about today?" Brittany asked, leaning back in her chair.

"Well, we have a test tomorrow so I figured that we'd study for it." Santana answered, giving Brittany a small smile. Brittany smiled back and pulled out her math book. They spent the hour reviewing and quizzing each other, but mainly it was Santana explaining things to Brittany. 

 Around 4:30 Santana decided that Brittany was ready enough to pass the test, so both of them got there stuff together and left the library, going separate ways as they stepped into the hall. Brittany was heading to the Football field for cheer practice and Santana was heading to the front of the school to wait for her older brother to get her. 

"Santana wait!" The Latina turned around to see Brittany running down the hall to catch up with her.

"Yes Brittany?" She asked, wondering what the taller girl had wanted. Brittany had stopped in front of her, and handed Santana a piece of paper. Santana unfolded it to find that it was Brittany's number, but by the time she had looked up, Brittany was gone. She smiled to herself and walked out of the school.

Her brother, Luis, was waiting outside of the car. Santana was still smiling as she got into her brothers car. 

"What are you smiling about?" Luis asked her, closing his door. 

"I'm not entirely sure. It's not like I even like her." She answered mumbling the last part. Luis smiled as he pulled out of the parking lot.

"So, who's the girl you have a crush on?"

"I don't have a crush on her!" Santana replied quickly.

"So, why are you smiling if you don't like her?" He asked, leaning closer to his sister but keeping his eyes on the road. That got Santana thinking. Did she have a crush on Brittany? She started thinking about Brittany, her eyes, her smile, the way she looks when she's trying to focus on her work.

Stop thinking about her like that! You're not supposed to like her!

"I don't know, but I don't like her."

"Mhm, sure, whatever you say sis."

"I don't! Plus she's the captain of the cheerios, and you know that I hate the cheerios!"

"Calm down, I'm just teasing you." Luis said, pulling into their driveway. "But, you will tell me when you do start liking her, right?" He teased her again. Santana rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, sure." She replied sarcastically. "Just like you'll tell me when you fall in love with Axel."

"I thought that I already told you." He asked, confused. Her eyes widened.

"No, you didn't. What else haven't you told me, brother?"

He chuckled. "C'mon, I'll tell ya when we get inside."


"Wow, so now you have to audition to get the solo for sectionals?" Brittany said, not really caring. Quinn continued to rant through the phone about what happened in glee, but all that Brittany could think about was Santana. She didn't know why she was thinking about the other girl so much, it made her wonder about many things. Brittany wanted answers, but she wasn't so sure what the questions were.


Thoughts? What do you think about Luis? Will Brittany get her answers?


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