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This chapter is gonna be like yesterdays, but probably more... idk actually. Anyways, hope you guys like it!

"Shake it out, Shake it out. Shake it out, Shake it out, oh woah. And it's hard to dance, with the devil on your back, so shake him off." The three girls had finished practicing their song for the final time. Santana thought that they should've practiced it more when they had the chance, but she wasn't gonna complain about it. Everyone who was auditioning was backstage warming up, surprisingly Rachel, Puck and Mike being the only ones no there.

Tina had pointed out that Quinn wasn't there either, which was probably why Finn was standing around, looking lost. Santana didn't give it much thought until something had crossed her mind. Mike wasn't auditioning because he can't sing, Puck wasn't because he said it was gay, Rachel wasn't because she "didn't want to," but why wasn't Quinn auditioning?

She felt her phone vibrate, interrupting her thoughts. She smiled when she saw it was a text from Brittany. Over the weekend, the two started texting each other. Luis found out and has been teasing her about whenever he got the chance. Of course, this was after he got her to admit that she had feelings towards the blonde.

Brittany: Good luck on your audition! 

The Latina typed a quick response before putting her phone away. She tuned into the conversation that Mercedes and Tina were having.

"It really doesn't make sense."

"What doesn't make sense?" She asked.

"Why Quinn isn't here. Finn really can't sing without her, and if she was gonna show up she's really late."

"Maybe I can ask Brittany." Santana thought, not realizing that she said it outloud.

"Why would you ask Brittany, I thought you hated every cheerio?" Mercedes asked, confused.

"I do, but," She stopped to think about what to say. "Brittany's okay." she finished, pulling out her phone. Tina and Mercedes shared a look. 

"Santana? Do you like Brittany?" Tina questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"Does anyone else wonder why both Rachel and Quinn aren't here?" Santana wondered, avoiding the question.

"Oh no you don't! Answer the question."

"Which one?"

"The one I asked you! Do. You. Like. Brittany?" She repeated slowly.

"I told you that I don't." Santana argued, knowing that she was lying to them. They didn't believe her, but they left the topic alone. "Well, Quinn isn't at cheerio practice,either."

"Next!" They heard Mr.Shue shout out, Kurt and Blaine walking off the stage together. The three girls glanced at each other before walking on stage.


"You think this is hard?! TRY BEING WATER BOARDED! THAT'S HARD!" Coach Sylvester yelled at them while they were practicing a new routine that she gave them 5 minutes ago. Brittany heard the other cheerios groan as they got back into position.

"Yo Pierce! Where's Quinn?" She heard Noah Puckerman shout from the other side of the football field where the football players where starting their practice. She shrugged before getting back in her position and waiting for coach to finish her rant about how simple the routine was.

"Coach, that sounds ridicules. There is no way we can do a cheer like that in 10 minutes, and we've been doing nothing but practicing for over an hour. When can we have a break?" Brittany said, glaring at the other cheerios to shut up.

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