Last Day

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"I so did not say that." Santana couldn't believe Brittany when the cheerleader told her that she called Quinn a pretty pony.

"You so did! Rachel and I thought Quinn was gonna kill you!" Brittany was laughing hysterically at the memory.

Santana was aloud to leave the hospital tomorrow, which made Brittany happy. Currently, she was sitting on the floor with her back against the bed as she showed Santana the videos and pictures from when she was drugged up.

"See? You were so happy being on drugs!"

"Brittany, if you are suggesting that I start doing drugs..."

"That's not what I'm saying Sanny." Brittany stated, turning her head so she could see Santana's face better. Without thinking twice about it, she leant over and pressed her lips against Santana's. It felt so right to the blonde, kissing her, making her smile, and knowing its her that she's smiling for. It all felt perfect to her.

" drugs then?" Santana asked, smiling against Brittany's lips. The blonde responded by giggling, moving a strand of the Latinas hair behind her ear.

"No drugs...Unless you plan on sharing."

"No drugs then."

Neither of the girls noticed Tina or Mercedes standing in the doorway. Mercedes with her eyes wide and mouth slightly open and Tina with a small grin and arms crossed in front of her.

"Told you so." The Asian girl said, smirking as she looked at the girl standing next to her.

"You were right. As always."

"Hey! How long have you been standing there?" They heard a certain cheerleaders voice yell toward their general direction.

"Long enough to see y'all making out! Get some San!" Mercedes yelled back. Santana hid her face in her hands as she felt herself begin to blush.

"We weren't making out!" She cried out, but nobody knew what she said because her voice was muffled by her hands. She could Brittany laughing as she tried to get her hands off of her face.

"Come on Sanny, let me see your beautiful face."


"Please baby?" She still had her hands covering her face, but she could feel Brittany staring at her with puppy eyes.

"Stop it!"

"I'm not doing anything! Nobody has said anything to me yet!"

"Not you Tina, Brittany! She's doing her puppy eyes again!"

"You're not even looking at me! How can you tell?"

She finally uncovered her face. "Because I'm sma-" she was cut off by a pair of lips pressing against hers.

"So are you two dating or what?" Tina asked, clearly bored.

"I don't know." They both answered together.

"What do you mean, 'I don't know'? Are you dating or is the kissing and cuddly stuff just for show?"

Neither girls answered. They all sat in an awkward silence for serval minutes after that. Santana and Brittany would occasionally share looks, both wondering what they really are.

"Well, we got school and other stuff so we have to get going. See ya San!" Mercedes yelled, walking out and dragging Tina along.

Brittany looked confused. "Isn't today a Saturday?"

"Yeah it is. Worst excuse ever." The Latina replied, rolling her eyes.

"So, um, what exactly are we?" The blonde asked shyly.

Santana looked over at the taller girl, and smiled. "I'm not sure exactly. I mean, I really like you Britt and I was kinda hoping that one day we'll be more."

She watched Brittany smile wider before leaning over and kissing her again.

"I think, that since you've been in the hospital for the last 2 weeks, that a date is in order tomorrow."

"I like that idea. Where are you gonna take me?"

"It's a secret." Brittany whispered against Santana's smile.

"Come on. Please tell me?" The other girl begged.

"Sorry Sanny, you'll just have to be patient."


I know you guys probably hate me, but trust me I hate myself worst. There is no apologizing for the lateness, since I always do and every time I update just gets later and later, I'll just say I have no idea when I'll next update. Anyways, hope you guys like it, that I'd if anyone still reads this.

(BTW, if you don't know who Olivia Wilde is, then I just don't know what's wrong with the world anymore.)

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