Tipsy Cuddles- JohnDave [Homestuck Fluff]

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"Dave, please."

"Urgh.. no."

"What the hell is wrong with you?" John scratched the back of his neck in confusion. Dave was acting really strange. "John," came Dave's slightly slurred voice, tinged with a bit of a southern drawl, barely noticable.

"What..?" the brunette answered, looking down at the shaded blonde on the floor, whose hands were resting on his chest as he looked up at the other. "You have to tell me how," he mumbled, rolling over on his belly and resting his chin on his hands. "How do you become a mermaid," Dave was really over the top with this uncoolness.

John raised an eyebrow, his blue eyes scanning Dave and his surroundings, looking for a sign that would tell what happened to Dave. "Oh," his face fell in a bit of shock at the sight of a couple bottles of apple juice scattered on the coffee table not far away, traces of Faygo and stuff like that slicked here and there. "Those damn trolls..." John muttered, clenching his fist. He let out a sigh, looking at Dave again.

"Johhhhhn....!" Dave groaned. "You didn't... you didn't answer my que- question!" he half-whined, being interrupted by a hiccup or two. "I don't really know Dave. I'm not a mermaid."

"Yes you are!" Dave countered, making John raise an eyebrow.

"You have a tail!" he pointed to John's legs, which obviously wasn't a tail. "No, Dave, they're legs. I walk and run and stand with these."

The brunette knelt down. "I don't even know how to swim that well, anyway," he muttered, half to himself. Another look at Dave and he stood up, reaching out his hands to try and pull his friend up. "C-come on, Dave, get up now..!" he groaned, trying to lift Dave, but he was heavier than John, who was really relatively smaller than everyone else.

"No, Egbert, this is my home! The sea is my life man!"

"Dave Strider that is a very fuzzy and uncomfortable rug, as a matter of fact, now get your ass up!"

Dave whined again, disagreeing with everything John did, but finally he was able to sit on the couch, much to John's relief. He was a bit exhausted with the small tussle with Dave, and he plopped down on the couch next to him. After a few minutes of silence, Dave looked over at his best bro, scooting closer. John didn't pay much mind to the action, but still felt a pang of unease.

"I'm bored, Egbert." He leaned on John's shoulder, snuggling a bit. This time, John blushed the littlest bit, quickly pushing Dave away. "I think you should lay down and sleep. Sleep off whatever Gamzee or whoever spiked your drink with."

"But I'm not tiiiired..." Dave mumbled, resting his head on John's shoulder again. John puffed up his cheeks and scooted away. "You can sleep on the couch so you won't have to walk all the way to your bed; how does that sound?" John asked, turning towards the suddenly sleepy blonde. "...Fine, I guess..."

John stood to give Dave room to lie down, running off to the other room to grab a blanket. How long has he been like this? Hours? he thought. Maybe it'll be wearing off soon, whatever it was. He returned to the couch, nearly tripping over the flipped up rug that Dave had claimed to be his sea and home, throwing the blanket over Dave.


"Mmph. It's not comfy enough," Dave complained. "What do you want me to do," John began, turning around to grab something else when instead a hand grabbed his wrist. "Uagh-!" John let out a short cry of surprise as he was pulled down onto the couch. "Uh, Dave?! What are you doing?"

"I just don't wanna lay down all by myself. It's lonely," He admitted. "Oh.." was all John said as his cheeks warmed up. He laid down next to Dave slowly, not even sure what he was doing. When he was settled in,  Dave snaked his arms around John's torso without warning, and John literally squeaked. "D-dave..?" he stuttered, becoming more and more flustered by the second.

Dave didn't reply on the spot, but just snuggled his face into the crook of John's shoudler. "You're comfy."

"Heh, so I guess I'm a pillow now, huh?" John muttered.

Dave smirked. "You're my pillow."

"W-whatever.." John mumbled, face unbelievably red.

Soon enough, Dave was well asleep, the sounds of his breathing faint and quiet. His arms were still wrapped around John, who had no chance in escaping the Strider's lovey grasp.

Every now and then Dave would mumble something incoherent, and John heard his name once or twice. Soon enough, he himself had fallen asleep in the blonde's arms, snuggled into his chest lovingly.

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