Chapter 3- Colette's gift shop

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  We soon arrived at Colette's gift shop. After that awkward situation with Colt, we both just walked on mostly in rather uncomfortable silence. Now, at the gift shop, the tension eased. Everyone in the gift shop was making appreciative noises as they took in the sight before them. Shelves full of intriguing merchandise lined the shelves. I saw Leon buying a few brawler-shaped lollipops, Sandy buying some balloons with brawler pins on them, and Bibi buying half a dozen Mega Boxes. 

  "Wow...this is all so cool!" Colt exclaimed, looking around in awe.

  "Awesome..." I breathed. 

  I followed as Colt walked towards a cute Spike plush, picked it up and gave it a pat on the head. Aw, that's sweet! I smiled at him warmly. He blushed. What...?  Never mind, Colt was acting kinda weird today... Perhaps he just needs some rest or something? Surely he would be back to normal by tomorrow.

  "Oh yeah, you said you wanted to get a gift for someone?" I reminded him.

  "Huh- oh! Ah, yes, I forgot," Colt stuttered, placing the Spike plush back down onto its place on the shelve. He pushed his way through the crowd in the gift shop, apologizing as he went, with me trailing after him. What was he looking for?

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