Chapter 5- Humiliation

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  He found out! So should I confirm his beliefs? I hesitated. Well... he told me that he had someone he liked so I should be just as open and tell him I like Edgar!

  "Uh...yes I do! He is just so dreamy! And cool!" I swooned.

  For a second, a flicker of hurt showed on Colt's face. Concerned, I asked him if he was alright. The next second, he smacked a big smile on his face. I knew at once that it was a forced one. Before I could ask him anymore about it, he said, "Oh, uh, I just remembered! I need the bathroom!" and rushed off to the toilet. But as he turned I saw that his face was almost emotionless. Like he was trying not to cry. Had I said something wrong?

  Just then, Edgar passed by me. A million thoughts ran through me at once. Tell him! Tell him how you feel about him! Tell him you think he's dreamy! TELL HIM! Even Colt is gonna confront that girl he likes! Why don't YOU?

  In a moment of insanity, I reached out and grabbed Edgar by the scarf, and tried to pull him into a hug. Alarmed, Edgar pushed me away, hard. UGH! I stumbled backward, and fell on my rear end. "What're you doing?! I'm with Colette!" Edgar yelled. Colette came up behind us, and linked her arm through his, as if proving his point.

  Tears stung my eyes. I couldn't look at Colette or Edgar. I knew both would be scowling at me. Hey, I don't blame them either. Now I was Shelly, the unsuccessful boyfriend snatcher. I felt as if the whole shop was watching me. Laughing. All laughing. At me. I couldn't take it a second longer. I picked myself up hurriedly, and ran.

  I'd never ran so fast in my entire life. I sprinted through the shop and burst out the door. I couldn't see clearly; my eyes were full of tears, threatening to flow out at any moment. I had to find somewhere safe to hide, somewhere where I could sort my feelings out alone. I spotted my favorite bush near my house and settled down in it. I buried my face in my hands. I didn't want to cry. I didn't want to be vulnerable. 

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