Chapter 6- Comfort

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  I was not going to cry. No. Not. Going. To. Cry. NOT. GOING. TO. CRY. Okay. I couldn't do it. I couldn't keep everything in. I let my tears flow freely. Why was my life so messed up?  So-so horrible? I sniffed piteously. I was a mess. If anyone saw me right now, I would absolutely just die of- "rustle... rustle..."

  My heart skipped a beat. 

  What was it? Or, rather, who? I could see the bushes parting as whatever- or whoever- it was searched for me. I hastily tried to wipe up my running nose and dry my wet eyes. But finally, the bushes blocking me from view were parted. It was too late! 

  "Shelly...?" came the invader's voice.

  Wait. I knew that voice. I would recognize it anywhere. But I wasn't really sure if I wanted to see him just yet. Not that I had the choice.

  "Shelly-" Colt called again, but he stopped short as soon as he saw me. His mouth opened and closed, but nothing came out. He stood there taking in how much of a mess I was. I lifted my head to look at him. I didn't even care anymore. I couldn't do it. I couldn't bring myself to appear strong anymore. As soon as his eyes landed on my tear-stained face, his initial shocked expression was immediately replaced with concern. 

  "It's okay, it's okay. Tell me what happened." 

  I don't know why, but that made me cry harder. Colt sat beside me and put his hand on my shoulder comfortingly as I poured out what had happened after he left for the bathroom. 

  "Why didn't I notice before that Colette was with Edgar? Why was I so blind??" I cried, leaning my face into his shoulder. Colt stayed still and silent, but his presence comforted me more than words ever could. And we stayed in that position until I'd finished crying my heart out. After I felt like I had no tears left to cry, I stood up. Colt did too.

  "Why was I so stupid??" I whimpered.

  Colt looked me right in the eye seriously. 

  "You don't need him."

  I returned his steady gaze. 

  "I know that now. Cuz I have you."

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