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Hermione's eyes opened, adjusting to the mid-morning light as it hit her face. She sat up and stretched her limbs. A few of her bones cracked, sending instant relief flooding through her body, the sign of a good night's sleep. She needed one after the day... days? No, day. The day she had prior.

"Harry and Ron are waiting for you in the common room." Ginny stepped into the room, "You should know that they're getting hungry and impatient down there."

"What?" Hermione's heartbeat quickened. This couldn't really be happening for a third time in a row. She leapt out of bed, her curls obscuring her vision as she stumbled to get dressed as quickly as possible.

"Hey! Slow down there!" Ginny laughed as she sat down on the bed and watched as Hermione jerked on a pair of her favorite denim jeans. "Harry and Ron won't leave without you."

"This is insane." Hermione muttered, mostly to herself. She shook her head and paced in front of her wardrobe. "This can't be happening. It was a bad dream. A faulty potion. I'm not-- This isn't real."

"While you're busy chatting to yourself over there, put on that red jumper, would you?" Ginny played with her hair, twisting it into braids to keep her eyes and hands entertained while Hermione stood half-naked in the room. She looked up at Hermione just as she had finished putting on her bra, "It's game day, you know."

"Of course it is." Hermione grumbled as she complied with Ginny's wishes. She was already growing sick of the sweater, and the way it always made her hair frizz out when she pulled it over her head. She slipped on her trainers and grabbed her wand before running out the door, leaving Ginny calling after her asking if she was feeling alright.

Harry and Ron looked up at the sound of the commotion just in time to see Hermione tripping down the stairs. She nearly fell into Harry's arms, but he helped to keep her steady. Ron still had a familiar look of resentment on his face as he locked eyes with the girl.

"We almost left without you." Ron's eyes cut away as he started towards the portrait hole.

"I would have still waited." Harry assured Hermione with a tight-lipped smile as they fell into step together behind Ron, though Hermione knew that wasn't true. "He's just nervous about the game is all."

"We'll be doesn't need to be. Not when he thinks that you're going to dose him with lucky potion." Hermione said ruefully.

Harry's green eyes lit up as if the idea just hit him for the very first time. He dug his hand into his pocket to see if the vial that he never went anywhere without was still there and laughed maniacally, "Hermione, you're an absolute genius."

"I didn't— that's your— right. Fine. I'm a genius." She conceded with a breathy laugh. There was no way to tell him that she had been reliving this morning in its different iterations for three days now.

Silence fell over the two as they walked in sync with one another. Harry was busy working out his plan in his head while Hermione was still trying to wrap her own head around the fact that it was still Saturday. Up ahead, they could hear the tormenting voices of Slytherin students.

A short burst of laughter filled the air, followed by the familiar lyrics to Weasley Is Our King. Hermione caught a glimpse Ron hurrying to the Great Hall as Blaise Zabini and Theodore Nott burst into hysterics.

"Oi, it's Granger and Potter this morning." Theo looked between the two. The wolfish grin on his face grew even wider, "Do you lot want to sing the second verse? I'm sure you know how it goes."

"I'll give you a hint if you can't remember, Granger." Blaise quirked a brow, "It has to do with where Weasley was born."

"Ottery St. Catchpole doesn't rhyme with much. I suppose that's why Malfoy took some lyrical liberties?" Hermione frowned.

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