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It was the second day in a row that Hermione Granger had slept in. The sunlight felt hot on her neck as she turned over to squint as the warm rays blinded her. She could have sworn she fell asleep in her red jumper, but she must have changed into her sleep shirt before the potion kicked in.

Hermione pulled herself out of bed and walked over to her wardrobe, rifling through its gold and red contents, passing over the red jumper from yesterday. One of the house elves must have done laundry. She found her favorite pink jumper and pulled it out of the wardrobe.

"Harry and Ron are waiting for you in the common room." Ginny's voice came from behind her. "You should know that they're getting hungry and impatient down there."

"I'm not speaking to Ron." Hermione said as she pulled the shirt over her head. She sighed in frustration as her hair frizzed out upon contact. "He can go have breakfast with Lavender Brown for all I care."

"Why would he go and do a stupid thing like that for?" Ginny snorted as she leaned on the frame of the door. She was still wearing her quidditch jersey, and Hermione assumed she must have slept in Dean's bed last night without a proper change of clothes.

"Why don't you go and ask Ron?" Hermione's voice clipped. She shoved her legs through her favorite pair of denim jeans and frowned at the red head that was staring at her intently. "I'm not interested in watching them snog again."

"Again?" Ginny's eyes widened in disbelief and she let out a shriek of laughter, "When did they snog the first time?"

Hermione blinked a few times and stared hard at Ginny in disbelief, "Last night... you were there? Everyone was."

"Are you sure you didn't dream that?" Ginny continued to laugh, "Last night Ron spend the evening wallowing about quitting the team. Lav was busy studying with Parvati and Padma in the library."

"I'm sorry?" Hermione shook her head, "You're talking about last night?"

"Yeah, they always study on Fridays together after dinner. Well, they call it studying but you know they're just gossiping." Ginny squinted her eyes at Hermione and looked her over, "Are you sure you're alright?"

Hermione took a deep breath and shook her head, "I think I'm coming down with a cold. I'm not sure."

"You don't need to go see Madam Pomfrey do you?" Ginny asked, "I can take you there if I need to."

Hermione placed a hand on her head and frowned. She didn't feel feverish. "No, I'm— I think I'm fine. I just had a really weird dream last night and it's throwing everything off."

"Clearly," Ginny flashed a grin, "You had a horrible nightmare that Lavender and my brother kissed. That's enough to make anyone feel sick to their stomach!"

Hermione forced a breathy laugh and nodded her head. She was confused because it all felt so real. "Yeah, I guess you're right. It was all so vivid though."

"While you're busy thinking about that, don't forget the Gryffindor Slytherin quidditch match is today." Ginny reminded her as she made her way back towards the door, "Change out of that pink jumper and wear something red!"

Hermione could have sworn this day had already happened. Perhaps she was dreaming right now. Maybe her batch of dreamless sleep potion was faulty, and she was experiencing a bad reaction.

Unsure of how to wake herself up, Hermione walked back over to her wardrobe and picked out her favorite red, cable-knit jumper, styled her hair just as she did every morning, and walked to breakfast alone.

Despite convincing herself that yesterday was all just a horrible dream, Hermione still felt on edge. She walked the hall trying to recall if she had seen any of the faces of students the day before.

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