|I Don't Cuddle|

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Story summary: Cad spends his day off inside with the air conditioning on making the little home you shared frigid, so you decide cuddling is the best way to warm up.

Warnings/disclaimers: none besides Fluff, Cad being cad.


Cad bane' name was known throughout the whole galaxy, his reputation as the "most ruthless" bounty hunter making him the most fearsome hunter in the business. Once he's given a job you best believe he gets it done and does it right, no matter what the job may be, he'd take it. The only thing he cared about was himself and credits. Until you drifted into his life, than he made an exception to add you on the very short list of things he held dear to him.

But just because he cared for you didn't mean he was a affectionate or a romantic man to be with, your first official date was in some grimy cantina on Nal Hutta, which ended with Cad shooting every man who dare look your way. Although it wasn't the ideal date in your book, you still enjoyed spending time with your duros man. Sure he wasn't as affectionate as you were in the relationship, but he still tried. Like that one time he brought you back a gift after one of his hunts, a little necklace he grumbled about looking like something you'd wear. You loved it, never taking it off. Telling Cad you loved him, he never uttered the words back but you didn't expect him to, he often showed his love for you through actions. Always holding your hand under the table when you both go out to visit cantina's or how he subconsciously drapes a arm over your middle in the still of the night just make sure your safely beside him still in bed. It was the little things that told you he loved you, and that was good enough for you.

But on this rare night Cad was finally home in your shared little apartment on the lower streets of Coruscant, he had been running the air conditioning all day and night, preferring the cold rather than the warm temperatures you always kept the apartment due to you hating the cold. You shiver from your spot on the beaten down sofa that came with the apartment room when you rented it. Cad made it feel like hoth in your home, you could almost see your breath. You look at him from where he sat across the room sat in the large window seal, polishing his blaster pistols.

“Cad, don't you think it's a little cold in here?” You broke the silence that had fallen over the room, wrapping a thin blanket over you in hopes of keeping warm.

Looking up, his red eyes fixated on you as he tilts the brim of his hat up. “Feels fine to me” Was his short reply, continuing to clean his prized pistols

You let out a sigh and shiver again, letting a absurd idea float around your mind. You knew he would never agree to it, he wasn't too fond of affectionate acts, yet....you couldn't help but find the idea to be rather lovely.

So standing up with the blanket wrapped around you, you slowly make your way over to Cad. Staring at him until he finally looks up at you with a questioning look. “Can I help you with something sweetheart?” He seemed annoyed you were distracting him from cleaning his blaster pistols.

“I'm cold and want to sit with you” You say to him, almost feeling bad for disturbing him. But it's his fault for making it so cold in the little place you called home.

“Unfortunately for you, there ain't enough room for both of us. Go lay down in bed or somethin'” He huffed out, giving his blasters more attention than you. You let out a little snort of amusement and force him to hold his blasters up as you find the perfect spot to sit with him, between his lanky legs with your back against his chest, his knees caging you in as his elbows now rest on them.

“Now there is enough room” You smile triumphantly and rest the back of your head against his chest.

Cad was tense beneath you, clearly not used to this act of affection. But he soon tries to accept it and puts his blasters away for a moment, his hands resting on your exposed shoulder as the shirt you wore slipped down some, allowing him to feel how cool your skin really was. He almost felt guilty for neglecting to consider your preferred temperature of the home, but he didn't dwell on it to much and pulls the blanket wrapped around you to cover your shoulder.

“If you're cold why didn't you turn the air off?” Cad asks you with a frustrated scoff, though he already knew you were a bashful person by nature and opted to keep little things like that to yourself rather than voice them.

You look up at him, head still resting on his chest as you find his big scarlet eyes on you already. “Well I didn't want to make you uncomfortable by turning it off, I know you don't like it too hot in here” You muttered with that shyness he knew he'd see. Cad didn't mind you being a shy person, but it got on his nerves often.

Sighing he wraps his arms around your middle and pulls you closer into his chest, legs pressing against your sides firmly as if he was trying to protect you from the frigid cold. “Should have told me earlier darlin' you're skin feels like ice” He scolds lightly and let's his chin rest atop your head, cuddling you without even knowing it, causing you to smile widely as your heart flutters with love for the duros man.

You'd ask him, begged him almost every night he wasn't working to cuddle with you. Yet he'd give you the same response every time you'd asked him.

“I don't cuddle”

Yet here you were, cuddled to his chest as he relaxed with you in his arms. You could hear the beating of his heart from beneath your head, the sound more beautiful than any melody you'd ever heard. You let one of your hands slip from under the warmth of the cover, resting it beside your head on his chest. You could already feel yourself warming up cuddled to him.

“I love you Cad” You murmur as you feel your eyes begin to grow heavy due to the late night hours.

He Hums in acknowledgement and let's his hand drift up to your head, running his slinder fingers through your hair. “Yeah...I know” He replied with the usual response he'd give you after you spoke the words, he held them dearly to him, you knew that and when you could hear his heart beat increase because of them? Your heart swells with love for him.

“Sir you have a incoming transmission from—Oh! Parden me! I didn't know you were in the middle of erm.. Cuddling” the little Droid TODO 360 hovered in and stuttered the words out when he saw you and Cad.

Cad snarled and refrains from grabbing his blaster pistol. “I don't cuddle” He spoke with venom dripping from his words, The droid whirled around in fright and hides behind your sofa.

“But you're cuddling —

Cad shoots a bolt right by the droids head in warning and it flees the room in a hurry. You sigh at his actions disapprovingly, yet couldn't help but giggle sleepily. “The droid wasn't lying Bane” You say, eyes closed as you snuggle against his chest.

“This ain't cuddling, simply me holdin' you because you're cold” He spoke as if he were mocking you, but you knew he meant well and was trying to keep his tough guy facade up. In all honesty, Cad quite enjoyed this, it made him feel safe knowing you were this close to him, cuddled into the security of his arms.

Who would have thought this night Cad bane would spend his nights restless until you were in his arms fully and cuddled against his side.....

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