|The Jedi And The Bounty Hunter|

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Story summary: Being a unrecognized Jedi knight, you get captured by a recognizable bounty hunter who gives you the offer of a lifetime.

Warnings/disclaimers: one curse word *ass* and mentions of being kidnapped by cad bane himself.


Metal stun cuffs dig into the soft flesh of your wrist, preventing you from escaping the clutches of the bounty hunter who kept you locked up in the back of his ship. The dim lights illuminate the small room you were being held in, the only decor in the room being the uncomfortable chair you were sitting on currently.

It's been a day since you've been so rudely kidnapped by the duros bounty hunter, you were his ransom, the payment he required for returning you back to Coruscant safely and unharmed being the Jedi Holocron he sought for. You knew that your friend Obi-Wan would think of a plan to trick bane into handing you over to ensure your safety, the only matter being when he would put the plan into action. So lost in your thoughts about your possible rescue, you didn't hear the door slide open.

“I know this isn't as luxurious as the jedi probably serve you, but it's enough to fill you up” The abrupt gravelly voice of the one and only cad bane spoke up, handing you a sandwich of some sort. His scarlet eyes narrow on you as his grin spreads across his face. “Oh I nearly forgot that you're hands are a little tied up” He chuckles lowly and slides a toothpick into his mouth, walking further into the room and crouching in front of you holding the plate of food.

“Even if they weren't cuffed, I wouldn't eat that or anything that comes from you” You kept your voice calm despite the anger of being held captive by him. Your emotions sometimes hard to control, but you hid that little trait of yours from the Jedi council well.

Smirking at you he holds the sandwich up to your mouth. “I may be titled the most ruthless bounty hunter in the galaxy, but I'm decent enough to not let a pretty a woman starve” He never once moved the sandwich until you give in and take a bite, surprised that it didn't taste to bad. After eating the sandwich bane gave you some water and sits in the floor a little ways afar from you casually, his back against the wall as he adjusts his hat and narrows his red eyes on you. The scarlet orbs alluring to you, the odd emotion that spreads through your chest when you look into them confusing.

“Credit for you're thoughts Jedi?” Bane spoke up with a little smirk. You quickly avert your eyes and focus solely on the metal floor in front of you.

“Why capture me when you could have captured a more valuable Jedi? Obi-Wan was by my side, he's a Master, a general in this war and a member of the council. You could have easily captured him and the Jedi council would have already given you you're karking Holocron” You voiced your thoughts aloud, looking up at bane with genuine curiosity as to why he would capture you, a Jedi knight that the Jedi order saw as practically useless considering they hardly let you participate in anything to do with the war or concerning the Jedi.

Bane scoffs and plucks the toothpick from his mouth, twirling it between his fingers. “Eh, Kenobi would have been a pain in the ass to keep alive for ransom” You watch as he throws the toothpick down and slowly stands up. Lanky legs carrying him all the way to where you sat cuffed. Looking up at him as he stared down at you, a smug smile spreads across his face. “Besides, who says you ain't valuable?” His cold slider hand brushes against your cheek. The action causes a flush to run over your face.

“I'm not a very favorable Jedi if you haven't noticed. The only reason I accompanied Obi-Wan on this low profile mission was because Anakin and the other Jedi were busy —

Bane silenced your rambling by pressing his thumb against your bottom lip, leaning in closer to your face. The brim of his hat shadowing you both as he does so. “So why don't you ditch those pricks and put those skills you have to good use? I could always use a permanent partner around this old ship” Cad bane always worked alone, his preferred style of hunting. But occasionally if the job was a little risky for his liking he'd seek help from a few bounty hunters he trusted. But for him to offer someone, let alone a Jedi, to permanently stick by his side? That is odd. You even knew this and decide to question him.

“Why? Why offer me such a thing? Why not one of you're bounty hunter friends?” You quirked a brow at him gently and almost shiver at the way his thumb barely lifted from your lips to allow you to speak.

He simply shrugs and moved his thumb to the corner of your mouth, his eyes glued to your lips now. “I thought since the Jedi don't see you valuable....you can prove you're value here as bounty hunter” He leans closer, his face so close that you can feel his breath fanning over your flushed face. “What you say? Ditch the Jedi and become the galaxies second most ruthless hunter or stay with the Jedi and live a boring life” You felt conflicted, you didn't want to turn your back on the Jedi yet living a life as a bounty hunter sounded so... Thrilling.

You stare up into the scarlet eyes of his, the tug towards him you felt becoming unbearable. You felt the way his proximity caused your heart to pound faster, the way its almost like the force brought you two closer, with him....you felt wanted, like you can prove to be useful. Whereas with the Jedi, you felt useless and they always kept you from the Jedi business.

Smiling up at bane you nod. “I may need some training in becoming a bounty hunter but I'd like to join you” You say, your words putting a smirk across his face.

“Smart choice princess, training starts tomorrow” Bane let's his thin lips ghost over yours in a feather like touch, before abruptly turning away and walking out the door without a word.

You were left confused and flustered and a little disappointed.

But bane held a small smirk and knew that soon enough he'd give in and allow you finally experience what the Jedi order has kept from you almost all your life.

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